Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Abex Chemicals, Inc. Essays - Blitar Regency, DraftPerkara 149, 150
Abex Chemicals, Inc. ABEX Chemicals, Inc. ABEX Chemicals, Inc. adalah salah saru produsen utama dari petrochemicals (terutama polyethylene). Selama 8 tahun terakhir ABEX menguasai kurang lebih 25% pangsa pasar petrochemical di Amerika Serikat. Namun demikian, persaingan dalam industri ini nampaknya akan semakin ketat, terutama dengan terjadinya ekspansi yang sangat agresif, dan kemungkinan akan terjadinya resesi pada satu sampai dua tahun mendatang. Berdasarkan analisis statistik, harga petrochemical yang diproduksi oleh ABEX diperkirakan akan terus menurun pada 12 hingga 18 bulan kedepan. Hal ini akan meningkatkan credit risk perusahaan ini. Harga saham ABEX baru-baru ini juga mengalami penurunan dari $15 menjadi $9 per lembar. Kedua hal tersebut meningkatkan resiko dalam pemberian pinjaman pada Abex. Melihat kenyataan di atas, perlu kiranya dilakukan penilaian ulang terhadap credit risk dari ABEX. Analisis akan bertitik berat pada 3 aspek penting, yaitu external environment, company fundamentals, dan stock price behavior. Hasil pengamatan terhadap ke-tiga aspek dapat dilihat sebagai berikut: External environment Walaupun trend faktor-faktor ekonomi belum dapat diketahui dengan pasti, masalah utama yang dihadapi pada industri petrochemical ini bukanlah perubahan demand, melainkan overcapacity. Seperti terlihat pada Exhibit 1, produksi polyethylene secara nasional diperkirakan tetap samapi tahun 10. Namun karena kapasitas produksi terus meningkat, maka operating rate akan mengalami penurunan. Akibatnya tingkat persaingan akan terus meningkat, sementara harga produk menjadi semakin rendah. Namun demikian, dalam jangka panjang tingkat konsumsi polyethylene akan naik 4% per tahun, dan harga akan meningkat 5% per tahun mulai tahun 12. Company fundamental Pendapatan operasional Abex didapat terutama dari 2 jenis bisnis, yaitu pipeline distribution of natural gas (gas transmission) dan petrochemical production. Pendapatan dari distribusi gas diperkirakan akan berkurang, berkaitan dengan adanya penurunan produksi gas dan faktor-faktor yang membatasi perkembangan harga jual. Namun hasil analisis dapat memprediksikan tetap adanya peningkatan kecil, baik pada volume maupun tarif jasa distribusi tersebut. Data statisik sehubungan dengan usaha distribusi gas ini dapat dilihat pada Exhibit 1. Pendapatan dari produk-produk petrochemical lebih sulit diramalkan, karena sangat sangat sensitif terhadap harga jual, biaya produksi, serta volume penjualan polyethylene. Faktor-faktor penting dalam estimasi pendapatan opersional dari bisnis ini adalah harga jual dan biaya produksi di masa datang, dan pangsa pasar dari ABEX. Pihak manajemen percaya bahwa struktur biaya produksi ABEX yang lebih rendah dapat membuat harga produksinya sangat kompetitif, sehingga memungkinkan tercapainya operating rate yang lebih tinggi dibanding para pesaingnya. Data statisik sehubungan dengan bisnis produksi polyethylene ini dapat dilihat pada Exhibit 1. Stock price evaluation Berlainan dengan analisis umumnya yang menggunakan discounted cash flow, evaluasi harga saham ini dititikberatkan pada quality of cash flow, earning power, yield, book value dan earnings components. Laporan Keuangan perusahaan, serta rasio-rasio keuangan yang digunakan salam analisis dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1 ? 3. Permasalahan Sehubungan dengan fixed income investment yang dilakukan pada obligasi (bonds/long-term debt) yang diterbitkan oleh ABEX, maka perlu dilakukan investigasi lebih lanjut pada kondisi perusahaan tersebut. Evaluasi harus dilakukan untuk mengetahui perubahan yang terjadi pada credit quality (risk) dari hutang jangka panjang ABEX dalam kurun 3 tahun terakhir (tahun 7 ? 9). Analisis dilakukan pada ratio-ratio keuangan terpenting (key financial ratios), yang difokuskan pada 3 aspek yaitu asset protection, short-term liquidity, dan earning power. Jawaban Pertanyaan 1. Identifikasi terhadap 5 ratio keuangan (dari seluruh ratio yang tercantum Tabel 3) yang relevan terhadap minimal 1 dari 3 aspek analisis diatas, serta interpretasi tingkat serta kecenderungannya dari tahun 7 sampai tahun 9. Ratio-ratio yang digunakan untuk menganalisis aspek asset protection adalah net tangible asset to long-term debt serta long-term debt to total capitalization. Untuk short-term liquidity ditinjau collection period, sementara untuk earning power dievaluasi berdasarkan pre-tax interest coverage dan operating cash flow to long-term debt. Sebenarnya inventory period juga dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi short-term liquidity, namun karena bisnis distribusi gas tidak memiliki inventory maka ratio ini tidak digunakan dalam analisis ini (terutama dalam memperbandingkan kedua bisnis yang diusahakan oleh ABEX). a/ Net Tangible Assets to Long-term Debt R atio Ratio ini menggambarkan sejauh mana aset perusahaan dapat meng-cover hutang jangka panjangnya. Yang dilihat adalah perbandingan antara asset (yang tidak diragukan nilai serta realisasinya) terhadap jumlah long-term debt. Besarnya ratio dalam 3 tahun terakhir adalah: Tahun Ratio 7 52.0% 8 34.7% 9 46.2% Trend dari ratio ini ternyata menurun, walaupun terlihat adanya perbaikan pada tahun 9. Penurunan ini mungkin disebabkan oleh 2 sebab yang dapat terjadi sendiri-sendiri, atau dua-duanya sekaligus: Pertama, penurunan net tangible asset, yaitu penurunan jumlah asset yang nilai serta realisasinya dapat dipastikan. Hal ini dapat
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Learn How to Conjugate Réduire (to Reduce) in French
Learn How to Conjugate Rà ©duire (to Reduce) in French Rà ©diure is the French verb that means to reduce. This should be pretty easy to remember because the English and French words are so similar. What happens when you want to say reduced or reducing? Thats when youll need to know rà ©duires conjugations and this lesson will show you the basics. The Basic Conjugations of Rà ©duire The French language gives us more forms of verbs to learn then we have in English. Thats because the verb changes with every subject pronoun within each tense. This means you more words to memorize. That is only one challenge in French verb conjugations, though. Words like rà ©duire pose another because they dont follow any of the normal rules. Rà ©duire is an irregular verb, though all French verbs ending in -uire are conjugated this way. To make this easier, consider studying a few at the same time. As with any conjugation, we begin with the verb stem. In this case, that is rà ©dui-. From there, we add a variety of endings to match the tense with the subject pronoun. As an example, je rà ©duis means I am reducing while nous rà ©duisions means we reduced. Present Future Imperfect je rduis rduirai rduisais tu rduis rduiras rduisais il rduit rduira rduisait nous rduisons rduirons rduisions vous rduisez rduirez rduisiez ils rduisent rduiront rduisaient The Present Participle of Rà ©duire The present participle of rà ©duire is also irregular in that it adds an - sant ending to the radical. This produces the word rà ©duisant. Rà ©duire in the Compound Past Tense The passà © composà ©Ã‚ is a compound past tense and its used often in French. It requires the past participle rà ©duit along with the present tense conjugate of the auxiliary verb avoir. This forms phrases such as jai rà ©duit for I reduced and nous avons rà ©duit for we reduced. More Simple Conjugations of Rà ©duire There are a few more basic conjugations you may need of rà ©duire at times and each has its own usage. For example, the subjunctive questions whether the act of reducing took place. Similarly, the conditional says the reduction will only happen under certain conditions. The passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive are literary tenses and found most often in formal writing. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je rduise rduirais rduisis rduisisse tu rduises rduirais rduisis rduisisses il rduise rduirait rduisit rduist nous rduisions rduirions rduismes rduisissions vous rduisiez rduiriez rduistes rduisissiez ils rduisent rduiraient rduisirent rduisissent For direct statements, commands, and requests when you dont want to mince words, you can use the French imperative. When doing so, skip the subject pronoun, simplifying tu rà ©duis to rà ©duis. Imperative (tu) rduis (nous) rduisons (vous) rduisez
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Annotated Bibliography of Air Pollution in Beijing
Of Air Pollution in Beijing - Annotated Bibliography Example With this kind of primary data, it was possible to solidly cement the research evidence and thus eloquently state out the findings of the research. With this data, it was possible to tell what the position of the city is from a first-hand point of view. This interview was aimed at establishing hard facts from residents about the observable effects of pollution within the city. The interviewee as born and brought up in the outskirts of Beijing. He has lived his entire life literally in the city having schooled and currently working there. From this interview, it is possible to line out some of the major effects of urbanization and thus pollution in the city. Life has been literally abuzz with changes for the residents and at times observing some things they never thought. These excerpts can be used by the researcher to solidify his arguments by bringing out the cries the victims. Sanderson, H. (February 28, 2013). Beijing Air Pollution Tops Hazardous Levels Days Before Congress. Retrieved from air-pollution-tops-hazardous-levels-days-before-congress.html This is a report from a top business news website about the levels of pollution in China. The concentration of air pollutants have been compared to various prescribed levels giving the situation on the ground. Comments from various government based agencies like the environment institute have been reported also. The article focuses on a real time position the atmosphere at the city and the effects that it might have. This is mainly because it is a highly rated debate issue as the congress resumes. The current governments’ response to the issue like issuance of real time data has been highlighted. In accordance to this report, the severity of the case, to the government has been highlighted, this assists the researcher in getting the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
International relation policies and climate change Research Paper
International relation policies and climate change - Research Paper Example The paper "International relation policies and climate change" concerns international relation policies and climate change. The department further warned that the situation is likely to worsen in the years to come, if not attended to immediately. The figures also show a decline in the level of emissions in developed economies such as United States and Russia. This decline apparently is a reflection of economic weakness, environmental consciousness (e.g. use of renewable power sources), and transfer of manufacturing industries to developing countries. Unfortunately, the decline in the industrial emissions from the advanced economies significantly falls below the increasing rate of emissions in the developing countries, which care less for their contribution to the global warming. Low-income countries whose low-income population heavily depends on carbon-intensive fuels such as coal increasingly pollutes the environment. Emissions from low-income countries alone accounts for about 80% of the greenhouse gases. Since 1945, the United Nations has been on the fore-front fighting for the restoration and conservation of the global environment. The UN has organized for a number of conferences focusing on climate change. The fifteenth conference was held in December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Like the earlier conferences, the 15th Climate Change Conference failed to produce desirable, legally binding and equitable agreements. Though the conference discussed ways of reducing ambitious emissions., technological advancements to the problem, and methods of financing the policies, it was in vain. In the end, The Copenhagen Accord was neither a comprehensive framework which demands effective, responsible participation from all the leading stakeholders (governments, financial institutions, and the civil society groups) nor was it a collective effort aimed at combating climate crisis in a more integrated manner. The CoP15 (The 15th Conference of the Parties) to the United Nati ons Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was therefore described as a failed policy as no binding agreement was arrived at. The aim objective of the conference was to discuss and propose polices which would be essential in keeping the average world temperature rise slightly below 2oC. Partisanship and self-interest resulted into two groups of the UNFCCC: Annex I and Non-Annex I countries which represented different interests. Annex I was composed of the 40 industrialized and transitional countries non-Annex I countries was made up of developing economies (Mazo 245). As claimed by members of the non-Annex I, a twenty six â€Å"representative group of leaders†from Annex I developed the Accord in their favor through un-transparent, restrictive, and top-down had developed the policies aimed at conserving the environment with little consideration to the minor countries. The â€Å"bottom-up pledge and review†approach to reducing global emission as described in t he Accord was perceived as unpractical and unfair mechanism of reducing reaching the desired goal of less than 2 percent annual increase in global temperature. So far, the ledges made under the Accord falls short of the delegates and representative call of ‘ambitious’
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Borrowings in Classical Music Between Countries, Composers, Different Essay - 1
Borrowings in Classical Music Between Countries, Composers, Different Ages - Essay Example The opera Fidelio was performed in 1805 and was the only opera of L. Beethoven. 1805 was a watershed between German Classicism and German Romanticism marked a new era in German music and artistic movement. The opera Fidelio belongs to German Classic era depicting domestic comedy and high seriousness of social landscape. The artistic movement of this age was open to every foreign idea, new or old, and interested itself in every accessible literature. It was partly because the artistic movement was not deeply rooted in the national life that it drew so much of its matter from foreign sources, until as critics have seen a desire for national originality began to arise, in advance of patriotism. It is obvious that the free use of the intellectual and artistic capital of German’s neighbors was an advantage, even a necessity for Germany in her backward condition; these countries themselves had freely plundered superior civilization in their own day as every 'young' literature must; these in their particular made no secret of his immense debt to France and England. That the results of these borrowings were not always fortunate goes without saying; Insel Felsenburg and Die schwedische Grà ¤fin have few of the merits of the work of Defoe and Richardson. But what is perhaps peculiar to Germany in this matter of imitation is that the habit became so deeply rooted that even national pride could not affect it much, and came in fact, by a natural compensation, to claim this very receptivity as a national virtue (Breuilly, 2001). The German nation, narrowly confined geographically and politically disunited, cannot be expected to produce one, and, speaking just after the French Revolution, Goethe hesitates to wish for the upheaval that would be required in Germany to prepare the way for classical works. But his words indicate that it is by no means certain that he would have disapproved of the Nationalism of modern Germany if he could have lived to see it (Gagliardo 19 91). He might have looked upon it as a necessary stage in the evolution of truly classical German literature.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The presentation of language through texts
The presentation of language through texts Presenting language through texts Texts have been used in language classrooms for many years. There are many reasons for teachers using texts. Firstly, they use texts as a linguistic objects. Secondly, they use texts as vehicle for information. And for the last reason, they use texts as a springboard for production. So texts in language teaching have played the important role in language learning and teaching. The most effective texts in learning process are authentic materials. Leaning English through authentic materials will make the learners feel like the are in the a real language situations. The atmosphere of the classrooms are alive. Research studies on the use of authentic materials reveal that it can promote the students motivation, positive attitude, involvement and interest on the subject. There are several kinds of authentic materials which are audio, visual, printed materials and multimedia materials. The multimedia materials are involved audio, video and graphic presentations. All of these materials are applied for communicating specific dispatches in real situations. Authentic audio materials: Music, news and other audio materials available on the internet TV programming including movies, commercials, quiz shows, cartoons, news and weather Radio including ads, music and sales pitches Taped or eavesdropped conversations, such as one-sided phone conversations Meetings, talks Announcements in airports and stores Professionally audio-taped short stories and novels Authentic visual materials: Images and graphs available on the internet photographs painting and drawings, childrens artwork wordless street signs pictures from magazines, postcards, wordless picture books stamps x-rays coins and currency clocks phones Halloween masks and other holiday decorations Authentic printed materials: web based printed materials available on the internet newspapers including articles, movies reviews and advertisements, astrology columns, sports reports, obituary columns, advice columns, classified ads reports, obituary columns, advice columns, classified ads lyrics to song restaurant menus street signs food product labels such as cereal boxes, candy wrappers tourist information brochures university catalogs telephone books maps magazines including TV guides, comic books, catalogs greeting cards, letters grocery coupons and flyer pins or t-shirt with messages bus schedules mail including bills , missing children flyers and junk mail flyers, posters, billboards school notices forms including leases, tax forms, applications, medical history forms Authentic multimedia materials: TV, Video programmes of various kinds podcasting on the internet we based programes involving multimedia use There are criteria for teachers to consider for choosing the authentic materials for classroom use. Firstly, the interest of the students, the teacher has to ensure that the chosen materials suit the age, interest and background of the students. Secondly, the purpose of language learning, teachers must consider the information in the chosen materials are of value to the learners. Thirdly, the cultural appropriateness, some materials are produced on the basis of the native speakers, the learners might not familiar with the culture of the contexts. Thus, the teachers should carefully select the appropriate second language contexts. Fourthly, the language level, the group of students are different levels like beginner, intermediate or advanced students .because the authentic materials are not made to fit the learning purposes so the teachers must choose the kind of comprehensible input which is slightly difficult in order to sustain their motivation. Lastly, the quality of the materials may be concerned. The chosen texts must have the quality of the text organization and the appropriate picture use. In the same time, the teachers must attentively check for errors and spelling mistakes of the texts. Using authentic materials have great benefits or advantages, specially for the second language learners of English. A large number of evidences of research studies have revealed a wide range of advantages. Firstly, the learners will expose to a wide range of natural language. Next, the reality and the meaningful interactive are brought into classroom. Then, there is a connection between the classroom and the outside world. The teaching and assessment focus on the 4 skills which the facts of language are not included. Moreover, the important objective is not a memorization for the examination but for the communicative proposes. For the next reason, the authentic texts can help the teachers accessing the ready, available, attractive and inexpensive resources of the texts as well as bring the variety to the classroom activities. So, the students have opportunities to practice the skills learnt in the classroom in the outside world when they meet them in the real situations. Using the authentic materials also have some problems. Some kinds of materials may include difficult language and unusual vocabulary items which are not being used in the daily life basis. These kinds of problems cause a burden to the teachers. So to solve the problems, the teachers should carefully pick the authentic materials by using the above mentioned criteria. For instance, the notices, bottled labels and reservation forms are used for the lower level learners. Whereas, the advanced levels need more complex materials. Thornbury claimed that language always happens as text and not as isolated words and sentences Therefore, the basis of foreign language teaching is handling texts for both written and oral. There are three acronyms that have been used to describe texts. Texts based activities presented in the course book Information Technology are marking the statements as true or false, filling in the gaps in the statements, linking each pair of actions ( donating cause and effect ) by a time clause, matching the terms in table A with the statements in table B, making a list of the key features of the facility ( device ) students are reading about, matching the reviews of the facilities to their titles, writing a brief evaluation of the phenomenon you have read about ( at least by listing its good and bad points ), trying to guess the meaning of the given abbreviations, trying to paraphrase the statements, linking each set of sentences to make one sentence ( corresponding to the descriptions given in the text ), completing the forms to record the main details of the problem described in the text, working in pairs, studying the diagram to explain how facility works, putting the described events in sequence, finding words or phrases in the table whi ch mean what is given in the statements below. From my experience as a teacher, I have been teaching young learners, mostly in the Phatom 1-3 students. And I have used several kinds of authentic materials in my class. For example, I use English songs and nursery rhymes when I would like to present new language to my students for promoting the motivation and engagement in learning of my students. Then, I use many pictures to present the new vocabulary in order to promote a better understanding of the meanings of the words. Sometimes, I have them read their favorable books from the bookshelf, so they can choose what ever they like.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
John Rawls Ethical Theory Essay
On February 21 on the year 1921 a man who’s in the future will be regarded as a prominent philosopher John Rawls in Baltimore Maryland was born. He graduated in Kent School in 1939; Rawls completed BA at Princeton University and received in here his Ph. D. in 1950. Great American Political Philosopher John Rawls was highly considered as an important person at the time, as the most prominent liberalisms’ advocate. He was also working as a Professor at Harvard University in his field of expertise, in the field of Political Philosophy. Rawls’ theory that often calls â€Å"justice as fairness†and its concepts presented in 1971 Theory of Justice, his primary published book. He is also the creator of 1993 Political Liberalism that means distinctive things into different people and The Law of Peoples in 1999. It presents a non-historical or hypothetical variation on the social contract theory. In the said theory, it declares that agents are making a balanced and rational social decision following a certain rule at the rear of â€Å"veil of ignorance†. The said theory makes them able to prevent from knowing in progress what condition and category they will hold. Rawls proclaimed that this method will be beneficial for all the citizens for it will surely produced a society in which the freedom of everyone embrace and their independence will be practiced. His proclamation also emphasized that this will maximize for the entire nation and social disparity will only happen when the circumstances prove that it will benefit a least favored constituents. In brief, what he has done is to combine the very strong principle of social and economic equality. In the issue entitled â€Å"When is creating a turnover situation the right thing to do†, the author, â€Å"MEK†, tells the story an employee who is really doing quite well in the job. However, it is also said that the employer of the said employee although willing to keep him for the job, is not willing and interested in making such investment for the development of the employee’s career. â€Å"MEK†also tells his story in regarding his past employer. In order to understand the situation let me first give a summary of the story. MEK once work as a shift supervisor in a certain company. By that time, the operations manager is really skilled not only in the job but as a leader too. After some time, the shift manager was promoted leaving MEK in charge of the vacant position. MEK works as acting operations manager for about 4 months and it can be said that he is doing a great job with increase in the sales and low turnovers during his time as the operations manager. Suddenly, after more than 160 days of working in the said position, it is said that he is to be replace by fresh graduate of BA degree. The said replacement had absolutely no experience in running a business. MEK is even asked to train the person who is to replace him. Thus, MEK was in actuality upset and decided not to work in the company to any further extent. The presence of ethical issue can be seen in this story. And this presence of issue can be resolved and accomplished using a concept formulated by John Rawls in what appear to us and popularly known as the â€Å"justice of fairness†. According to Rawls, two conditions must be satisfied for social and economic inequalities. First, fair equality of opportunity must be given when it comes to positions and as well as offices that are often to all who can be considered under condition. Second, it has to benefit those that are considered least advantage member of the society. Applying Rawls’s concept in the case of MEK, it can be said that MEK has the right remain as the operation manager of the said company. It can be said that MEK was not given equal opportunity because the company based their decision on the educational attainment of the individual (which is the main basis for most companies), something that MEK lacks. However, MEK had proven that although he does not have a BA degree, he is still able to do the job. Thus, applying Rawls concept in the situation, it would had been in goodwill and favor of MEK. Aside from what had been mentioned earlier, there had also been several concepts of Rawls that are considered of great value and importance in political philosophy. It is believed that John Rawls made an important contribution in the said field. Rawls’s work not only attracted the attention of those who are interested and are in the field of philosophy but many other fields as well such as political scientist, economist and even legal scholars and theologians. This only proves that his ideology is well known and regarded as one of the best if not the best. Among all of the works of Rawls, his books of Justice as fairness, his original position, the reflective equilibrium, Rawls’ overlapping consensus, and public relations are the ones that had been given and receive extensive attentions. Rawls is regarded as unique among political philosophers in the contemporary time. Ethics involves the study of norms and values in particular action knowing what is right or wrong and the consequences of it weather bad or good and character virtue and this practices are importance in the fields of governance as well as in business world. Ethics aim was to provide a systematic explanatory account and inquiry that the people may actually have. The use of ethics in business and government world also imply public policy as a way of balancing or weighing relevant considerations usually identified by principles of common use. In my personal opinion, I also believe that in today’s business and government world study of ethics is of great value. In business, ethics examined moral and ethical problems that can arise and take it’s place in a business environment. Through this study, they will able to trace how the corporations conduct business, hold both within and outside workers of the company. Through this company can strengthens its relationship with the employees how they can manage and treat every member the right and most effective way, or workplace ethics, they can also formulate a proper governance, and make policies, decision making, appropriate techniques and understanding individual behavior. In the case of governance, it creates a leadership process and social responsibility to be able to administer and process the system. And so the governance for the organization, like a government would include such common feature such as a clear mission, a good responsibility, accountability, transparency, stewardship, flexibility, representation and most of all they may acquire success. The fulfillment of the organizations mission is a paramount concern be it to make profits do good works or act as a government.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Philosophy “Divergent Currents of Humanism†Essay
The nationalities rooted in different traditions and perhaps owed something to old trunks differences Latinos and barbarians, took shape especially the divergence of economic interests and natural conditions of Italy and Germany. Italian Humanism meant more than a break with the past, Italy was consumed in glorious extravagance and soon returned to agriculture and to the spirit of medieval life. Life essentially offered the Italian humanist enjoyment and creation, the Christian scheme gave way to a Greek morality, in which life was an art, freed from any sense of obligation. The religious interest was not very present at least we want to talk about a religion of beauty. His ideal was universal man fully rounded personality of a Leonardo. I tried to absorb everything and became syncretistic culture, retaining the opposing elements of Roman and Greek Christians in reconciling universal symbolism. Zeus, Jupiter, and God really meant it. This ideal was bound to remain aristocratic, without much anchor in popular sentiment and produced a high class and cosmopolitan artist who took easily to the envestida of the counter. The north, however, seemed to have the old spirit was however felt the north where an impulse of the forces would dominate the new era, the north broke with the church and turned to industry trade, science . Life offered the German humanist work and self-discipline, the German turned rather to the moral Roman life was a stoic discipline, a job and a vocation remained deeply religious obligations became even more ethical than supernatural. It is dedicated to education and scholarship. More democratic, seeking her ideal as a member of an ordered society and not as an independent personality. Before him stood flight ahead fraternal society work, could not combine the various elements and see the universal in the multiplication of symbols: multiplicity of symbols is a big difference between the imagination of the great Italian painters and Durer, the Dutch and Flemish. Humanists Nordic passed gradual stages of faith illustrated medieval cosmopolitanism and urban. Touched by the Italian scholarship, dropped out and worked for a scholastic education reform without criticizing the church system. Modernity and tragedy of Erasmus The modern spirit sympathize more with the second group, and especially with Erasmus, representative ideals, having been shriveled by 200 years due to the reform, finally flourished in naturalism and humanism of the eighteenth century. Erasmo was definitely the humanistic ideal both their faults as virtues. Its narrower interests reflect limitations of humanistic attitude to the deeper forces of the time. Unconcerned by the wonderful art of his generation, without interest in the new world that would in the eyes of men, and very hostile to the scientific interest because it shifted the spirits of the human problems of morality. His biggest concern heading into the past, not the future, rather represented tolerance, conciliation and meditation. It was witty and urban, with a charming conservatism. Finished destroying old prejudices, demolishing the medieval order, had nothing to offer except a rather negative spiritual liberalism.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Berry Gordy Jr. essays
Berry Gordy Jr. essays Berry Gordy Jr. was born in Detroit, Michigan on November 28, 1929. He was the seventh born out of eight siblings. His parents migrated to Detroit from Georgia during 1922. They were part of a mass exodus of African Americans who left the South in the 20's and traveled to northern cities in search of better economic futures. During that time jobs were plentiful in the factories, mainly the big four automotive plants that like, Chrysler, Ford, Chevrolet, and General Motors. Berry and Bertha Gordy would instill in Berry Jr. and his brothers and sisters a strong work ethic and a belief that anything could be achieved through persistence. His family also had deep roots in business. Berry Sr. owned a plastering and carpentry service, a general store, and a printing business. Gordy's family believed in the philosophy of Booker T. Washington, which stressed economic independence for blacks. Gordy Sr. named his store after him. Berry Gordy Jr. was heavily influenced by the ambition of his father. Like his father, he was also very determined and he tried many new ventures. Berry was an average student who earned decent grades. Despite this he decided to drop out of Northeastern High School to peruse a featherweight boxing career. He once even fought on the same card as the great Joe Louis. He had a brief but successful series of fights but decided to give up boxing in 1951. That same year he would then decide to try out the Army. He served for two years during the Korean War; there he earned his high school equivalency diploma. After his short stint in the army, he decided to open a record store, which only sold jazz records. Berry always enjoyed listening to records in his basement and he had a great love of music. Berry always hung around Detroit's popular nightspots to hear the bebop jazz sounds. He was able to see the performances of famous artists like pianist Thelonious Monk and saxophonist Charlie "Bird" Parker. Unfortunately, Be...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
163482-635 Essays - Chemical Elements, Reducing Agents, Free Essays
163482-635 Essays - Chemical Elements, Reducing Agents, Free Essays 163482-635 Nam e Ali Alkhaja Grade 8(s ) MYP Science Title: Periodic table Key concept: Change Related concepts: Form, change function Global contexts: Scientific and technical innovation Topic : Reactivity series of metals Statement of inquiry: Knowledge - challenging discoveries evolve the periodic table's form to enhance its function of showing trends in the physical and chemical properties of elements. Inquiry questions: Factual : What do atoms look like? Conceptual : How do atoms can be structured? Debatable: What are the limits of scientific understanding in building periodic table? Mr.Nithin MYP Assessment Criteria Criterion B : Inquiring and designing Criterion C : Processing and evaluating Writing a lab report about " Reactivity of metals with water HCl" Due date is on Tuesday 1/Dec/2015 late submission will get zero mark Theory: The Reactivity Series of Metals is an arrangement of the metals in order of their reactivity starting with the most reactive metal at the top and ending with the least reactive metal at the bottom. The reactivity of a metal is determined by its ability to do a chemical reaction. Some metals are strongly reactive with water or HCl like potassium; some metals are weakly reactive such as copper. The reactivity series of metals was deduced by performing several experiments in the lab which enabled scientists to arrange metals according to their reactivity with HCl and water. The reaction of metals with HCl can be described in chemical formula: Metal + HCl Metal Chloride (salt) + Hydrogen e.g. Mg + 2HCl MgCl 2 + H 2 The reaction of metals with water can be described in chemical formula: Metal + water Metal Hydroxide + Hydrogen e.g. 2K + 2H 2 O 2KOH + H 2 The Hydrogen gas is flammable . A lighted wooden splint or lighter makes a popping sound in a test tube of hydrogen. Aims : In this investigation you will be able to: Draw reactivity series for different metals Test for hydrogen gas. Explain the reaction between metals and acid. Explain the reaction between metals and water. Compare the reactivity series for both metals with water and metals with acid. Describe the chemical reaction of metals with HCl and water. Materials 10 test tubes Test tube rack Thermometer 25 mL HCl (0.5 M) [ 5 mL for each test tube] 25 mL distilled water [ 5 mL for each test tube] Stopwatch Same size d pieces of metals ( Magnesium "Mg" , Calcium "Ca" , Aluminum "Al", Zinc "Zn" , Copper "Cu") Procedure : Follow the safety rules in the chemistry lab. Gather the following metals: metals ( Magnesium "Mg" , Calcium "Ca" , Aluminum "Al", Zinc "Zn" , Copper "Cu" ) Measure the acid's temperature (T i ) by using thermometer before you drop the metal into it. Remove thermometer then drop the metal into the test tube and start the stopwatch for 2 min. then observe and write your notes about the reaction.(e.g. number of bubbles, change the color, the metal disappears, smell .etc). [Hint: some reactions are instant you have to measure the final temperature directly no need to wait two minutes] U se thermometer to record the highest temperature (T f ) for each reaction . Record your measurements and observations in a suitable table. Repeat the same steps for each metal. Repeat the same steps (1 to 7) by using water. Record your measurements in another table. Work with your partner. Note as many changes as you can and discuss what you think is causing them. Communicate scientific information effectively using scientific language correctly. Present all the information appropriately using symbolic and/or visual representation accurately according to the chosen application . D escribe a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation O utline and explain a testable hypothesis using correct scientific reasoning D escribe how to manipulate the variables, and describe how sufficient, relevant data will be collected Design a logical, complete and safe method in which he or she selects appropriate materials and equipment. D iscuss the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific investigation D escribe improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the scientific investigation . Part 1 : Introduction Problem statement: Which metals have a higher
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Information Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Information Security - Research Paper Example Lack of awareness and execution to protect company’s information assets can result in loss of revenues, bad reputation for the company and probable law suits by the customers for not being able to protect their data. 2. Threats and Vulnerabilities There are numerous types of threats and vulnerabilities that are required to be considered for the protection of information. Data breach is defined as the disclosure of information to unauthorized individuals in an intentional or unintentional manner. Verizon Business Risk Team (2009) stated that the degree of data breaches is the highest in the modern times than it has ever been. Figure 1: Percentage of Different Types of Data Breaches from 2004 to 2008 (Verizon Business Risk Team, 2009) Data breaches tend to threaten the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the data. Confidentiality aspect requires the data to be hidden from unauthorized third parties to protect the privacy of the individual. Hash, Bartol, Rollins, Robin son, Abeles and Batdorff (2005) explained that integrity of data provides the assurance that it is not tampered with or modified at any level as a result of malicious intent. Authenticity of data also ensures that the data is complete and accurate. The absence of such attributes of data makes the data unreliable and may prove to lead to misleading directions and results for the management of the organization. Data breaches may result from outside or inside sources. Moore, Cappelli, Caron, Shaw and Trzeciak (2009) defined insider theft as instances when employees (current or ex-employees) may disclose information for personal motives or as a result of lack of awareness of required information security measures. Employees might help the outside intruders gain unauthorized access to sensitive data by leaking passwords or loopholes in the security systems. Such employees may also damage or destroy the data as a result of personal conflicts or grudges against the management. Outside sour ces of threats and vulnerabilities include denial of service (DOS) attack, virus and worms attacks. Houle and Weaver (2001) explained that DOS attacks are directed to impair the IT services and resources so that legitimate users cannot avail them. Common sources that are witnessed to become targets are bandwidth, data storage services and computing power of a resource. Abundant fake requests are sent to the server to make it incapable and unavailable to cater the requests from legitimate users. Viruses and worms are also common threats that reside in a computer without the knowledge of the owner and perform spiteful actions to harm the data. Viruses and worms are automatically installed on the system if the user opens a compromised email attachment, visits an unreliable website, opens an infected image or clicks on a compromised online advertisement etc. Non-repudiation was defined by Hole (2009); it ensures that the transfer of messages between participating parties is valid and re al. Effective security measures need to be taken by companies to ensure that sender and receiver cannot deny the transfer and receiving of the messages, respectively. 3. Counter Measures for Improving Security Cannady and Harrell (n.d.) proposed a technique to tackle the threat of insider theft; they recommended that ‘user profiles’ should be developed and stored in the server. These user profiles are developed on the basis of routine activities
Friday, November 1, 2019
Nitendo case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Nitendo case - Essay Example Barrier to entry is observed due to the requirement of a large user base. ii) Demand and Supply Analysis: The lower the price, the higher is the demand. The achievement of profit maximization point prevails in the suppliers’ minds. iii) Economies of Scale: Difficult to reap advantages from economies of scale due to low selling price of consoles and sophisticated technology. iv) Core Competencies: Modernized console and controller design, marketing and attractive game designs lifted up Nintendo. Nintendo is a participant of oligopoly market and along with few strong competitors like Sony and Microsoft it occupies around 96% of the market. Its three focal competencies: excellent marketing skills, modernized consoles and dynamic game designs, provide it with perennial demand by its consumers thereby, placing it much ahead of its competitors in the market. Nintendo’s expertise in attractive consoles, controller designs, handhelds and games are its tools which are precious to the consumer and can neither be imitated nor substituted. On July 7, 2006, Nintendo opened a South Korean subsidiary in Seoul (â€Å"Nintendo†, 2006). Nintendo’s performance has been appropriately measured by depicting the Net Income and Revenue, the Stock Value, the Net Profit Margin and the Earning per Share. The behavior of the consumer and the industry, the market structure, the extent of competition along with the core competencies like innovativeness, marketing and attractive game designs provide ample scope for evaluating Nintendo’s performance. Financial difficulties need to be overcome. Market to a lifetime consumer should be the target. For Mario game, aim should be to capture consumers of 28 years of age by redesigning it. The Nintendo Revolution is ideal at the moment. Price of the new console should be $ 200 which is much lower than others. This low cost will reap benefits of market domination thereby
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