
Monday, March 18, 2019

Entrepreuer :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

EntrepreuerEntrepreneur, one who assumes the responsibility and the insecurity for a business operation with the expectation of making a profit, the enterpriser generally decides on the product, acquires the facilities, and brings together the labor force, capital, and production materials. If the business succeeds, the entrepreneur reaps the reward of profits if it fails, he or she takes the loss. Entrepreneurial leadership is indispensable to an individual and to a corporation?s success. Entrepreneurial firms are a major source of innovation and change. They create jobs, new tax revenues, and separate transfers of money. At a time when U.S. productivity growth is lagging croupe other countries, and when our large corporations are laying off workers and focusing on core businesses, entrepreneurial firms assume a more significant contribution They do what large companies are not doing The process itself consists of the set of activities required to identify an opportunity, dev elop a business concept, and then manage and growth the venture. As a process, it has applicability to organizations of all sizes and types. The entrepreneurship construct has three profound dimensions innovativeness, or the development of novel or unique products, services or processes risk-taking, or willingness to pursue opportunities having a reasonable chance of costly tribulation and proactive ness, or an emphasis on persistence and creativity in overcoming obstacles until the innovative concept is fully implemented.In 1953 the US government created an single-handed agency called the Small Business Administration. Its functions are to make loans to bitty businesses unable to obtain financing from private sources on reasonable terms, to help small firms sell

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