Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Literature review - Essay Example Characteristic Expenditure in Australia average per night average per visitor Length of stay Main source market Age Martial status Travel party Repeat visitation On a travel package Share of accommodation nights Main courses studied Length of course Educational institution Formal $90 $16,000 170 nights 16% Chinese 9% Malaysians 8% Koreans 50% are 20-24 years 20% are 15-19 years 18% are 25-29 years 88% are single 86% traveled alone 59% were return visitors 7% package Rental accommodation (65%) Undergraduate degree (36%) English course ((20%) Post-graduate degree (19%) 58% studied a course with a duration of 1 year or more University (62%) Informal $65 $7000 95 nights 26% Malaysians 20% Indians 10% Koreans 31% are 20-24 years 20% are 35-44 years 19% are 25-29 years 68% are single 80% traveled alone 51% were return visitors 11% package Rental accommodation (42%) English course (36%) Work-related course (11%) On-the-job / Internal training (8%) 82% studied a course with a duration of less than 3 months English language institute (31%) Source: Tourism Research Australia International Visitor Survey 2007 (National Centre, 14) Surname 3 Importance of the Study Tourism Market Foreign education market is known as a significant and growing industry for Australian tourism. In 2006, around 350,000 foreign education visitors stayed for approximately 44 million nights in Australia. In 2007, it grew to almost 500,000 education visitors. Although consisting of just 6% of all international tourists, foreign education tourists contributed around 30% of visitor nights and almost 30% towards total spend in Australia (National Centre, 14). Over time, the international education industry has shown... Per survey results, approximately 500,000 foreign education visitors studied in Australia in 2007. Of these foreign education visitors, 75% were formal study toursits and 25% were informal study tourists. Altogether, foreign education tourists stayed in Australia for 86 million nights and were worth around $7B to the tourism industry in 2007. This sum has not included yet the spending of friends and relatives that visited these foreign education visitors (National Centre, 11-13). Within these previous studies, the characteristics of formal and non-formal foreign education tourists were quite diverse as was the nature of the studies they took. FIGURE 1: Summary of Formal and Informal Study Tourism Market 2007: Foreign education market is known as a significant and growing industry for Australian tourism. In 2006, around 350,000 foreign education visitors stayed for approximately 44 million nights in Australia. In 2007, it grew to almost 500,000 education visitors. Although consisting of just 6% of all international tourists, foreign education tourists contributed around 30% of visitor nights and almost 30% towards total spend in Australia (National Centre, 14). Over time, the international education industry has shown continuous progress. Between 2001 and 2007, the average rate of increase per year was 9%.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Monopoly and American values Essay Example for Free
Monopoly and American values Essay In societies all over the world the board game Monopoly is played by children and adults. The Parker Brother’s game has been sold in 37 different languages; over 200 million copies have been sold, is claimed to be the most popular game, and has also been sold in 103 countries. In America millions have played and is a normal and acceptable â€Å"American Past Time. †From a functionalist perspective the board game teaches and expresses many of the American values such as; equal opportunity, personal achievement and success, obtaining material comfort, progress, and the idea of democracy and free enterprise. The functionalist perspective represents society as system containing various parts that all work together to achieve social solidarity. In a post-industrial society, how does the game of Monopoly socialize people to the American Values? Society sure does function together and is well structured for the benefit of citizens, government, and entrepreneurs. The board game Monopoly has many rules and norms. There have even been Monopoly Etiquette Guides written for the serious players as well as tournament players. The recommended age for play is eight years of age and older and a minimum of two players. In America most of those with siblings of children understand how wrong a game of Monopoly can turn into a big fight. The rules of the game are pretty easy to follow. The object of the game is to become the wealthiest player through buying, renting and selling property. Each player is given $1500 to begin the game. A player must be elected to be the banker and sell property, houses, hotels, and pay the $200 salary that is collected each time a player passes go. The banker is also responsible for collecting fines and taxes owed. The spaces on the board are all labeled and include; GO, Jail, Chance, Community Chest, Taxes, Free Parking, and pay rent when landing on an opponent’s improved property. Each player is represented by a token which is a symbol of the game. These include; a wheel barrow, a car, an iron, a thimble, a cowboy on a horse, a dog , a pot of gold, a top hat, a ship, a boot, or a cannon. Each player is subject to going bankrupt, therefore increasing the other player’s chance of finding wealth. American society is very similar to the game of Monopoly. Players are socialized to these ideas which represent the values of America. Equal opportunity is taught by everyone beginning with the same amount of money, $1500, as well as $200 salary collected with each rotation around the board. Personal achievement and success is demonstrated on becoming the wealthiest player and to own the most property. Striving and working for material comfort is taught through collecting a salary and improving your owned properties, as well as collecting rent. Progress is a value in America that is evaluated by members of society on a daily basis. Progress in the game Monopoly is measured by wealth and property owned and creating a monopoly on resources, buildings, and property. The last important American value taught to players is democracy and free enterprise. The consensus of Monopoly is that it is a fun game to play. The manifest function of Monopoly is to entertain a group of players whether they are children, adolescents, or adults. The latent function is teaching players to think solely of themselves and not their neighbor who they should help. Greed is taught due to the emphasis of becoming the wealthiest player. The most witnessed latent function of Monopoly being causing dishonesty, anger, and even fighting between competitors. Although there are some negatives against the game the most important role is promoting social solidarity by encouraging a better community effort. Progress takes everyone’s help not just a few. Two options were given for a research assignment at the beginning of the course. Option one was to choose a category from; film, sports, or advertising. The second option was to read a book outside of class that focuses on Wal-Mart, minimum wage jobs for women, or how fast food has created a â€Å"now†demand for all of America’s services. The option selected for a personal interest was sports. More specifically how gender plays a role in the racing world. How are women and men treated differently? A major focus will be on drag racing and how times have changed as far as who can and cannot race as demonstrated by NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) Drag Racing. In conclusion Monopoly helps teach and spread the ideas of American culture. Players are to become the wealthiest and may have a higher social status as they can win Monopoly. A study in 2005 found that American’s value self expression more than survival. (Macionis pg. 49) This is even taught through Monopoly by being able to select how you build your property and by picking your game piece to represent yourself. A comparative study found that in 1969 the goal of first year college students was to â€Å"Develop a meaningful philosophy of life†in contrast to 2005 first year college students are wanting â€Å"to be very well off financially†. (Macionis pg. 56) Today in America having wealth is sought by all citizens but few find extreme wealth. According to the values of American’s material comfort should be worked for and can be more important than survival. With the ideas of democracy and free enterprise being key concepts of the game it is not surprising to find that globally approximately 46% of the worlds countries are â€Å"politically free†. (Macionis pg. 44) Although the game has been published in 37 different languages, English is a very common first language as well as a common second language across the globe. (Macionius pg. 47) Following the same thought nearly all of the United States speaks English or Spanish in the home. (Macionius pg. 56)This allows for the further acknowledgement of the American Values to many societies. Overall the game of Monopoly socializes people of many cultures to the American values. All of the American values encourage a person to think personally rather than globally.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Left Hand of Darkness :: Left Hand of Darkness Essays
The Left Hand of Darkness   Although the author of The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula K. Le Guin discussed in the introduction that this book is not extrapolative or a prediction of future, the plots in the book are extraporative to some extent. Since the story takes place in the past, Ekumenical Year 1490-97, this book is different from other science fictions which the stories take place in the future. However, the issues that the author deal with in the book are a prediction of the future; it can happen. Guin also claimed that "if I could have said it non-metaphorically, I would not have written all these words, this novel." Her metaphoric settings and words confuse whether or not our world is natural.   Since Guin set the story in the past with extraordinary imagination, it was very hard to get into her world from the first chapter, Winter, Hainsh Cycle 93, Ekumenical Year 1490-97. In the first chapter, the way that Guin introduces the story pulling the readers in mysterious or mythic worlds even beyond any imaginative worlds. She explains her imaginative worlds in detail every once in a while yet it is not easy to share and to understand her worlds. The main reason might be the story takes place in the past instead of 'future.' We normally perceive a mythic future. And also, we think that we can not change our history.   The author of Utopian and Science Fiction by Women: Worlds of Difference, Naomi Jacobs pointed out that Guin's theme is gender differences and sexuality in the frozen landscape. In the story, Gethen describes the setting as a place of gender freedom. Gender issues are sensitive issues in our culture and will remain as it is. In Guin's imaginative world, men's pregnancy is a natural phenomenon. This imagination is used in many other books and movies even today. (For more info, see Jason's paper) However, Guin's use of the imagination is difficult to share because her imaginative world has already passed.   The theme that Guin discussed in the book was similar to other science fictions. Death and fear are always the theme in science fiction. Throughout the story, people died in the frozen landscape and they have fear in their life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comparing and Analyzing the Differences Between Co-Ed Schools and Single-Sex Schools Essay
The issue of single-sex schools versus co-ed schools is very much debated and controversial. There are strong supporters for both sides, giving good and valid arguments. It is an issue with a long history, receiving great attention from the media, researchers, teachers and most of all, parents. Although there are many studies that try to answer this question, the problem will probably continue to exist and be debated, the opinions being mixed. After all, choosing a type of education is a matter of personal choice. Nonetheless, there are several clear advantages and disadvantages of both, and there is evidence that there are differences when it comes to teaching styles, progress and achievements. Single-sex schools Single-sex schools have a long history, probably being most popular during the 19th and 20th centuries. In these schools, boys and girls are separated, the classes consisting of only one gender. There are schools that have separate buildings for boys and others for girls, or they only admit one gender into their academic program. This is a practice which is thought to help improve the results of the students. According to Mary Elizabeth, writer for EducationBug. org, one of the arguments is the differences between the brains of girls and boys. Others are different stress responses and hearing sensitivity â€Å"and that these differences can best be responded to by differentiating their instruction and learning environment†(CoEd or Single Sex Education). These reasons seem to be plausible and they are enough for many people to choose this kind of education for themselves or their children. There are some advantages of single-sex schools. As mentioned above, the supporters of single-sex education have many arguments and perhaps the greatest one of them is the educational benefit. It is believed that this kind of education improves student achievements and progress. Girls and boys learn and think in different ways, therefore they should be separated and the studies should be based on each gender’s interests and strengths. Different teaching techniques should be used too. Since girls are more mature than boys at a younger age, they can be more serious and focused in school, whereas boys have a lower concentration limit, and they act out ore often than girls. Leonard Sax, who has a PhD, is an M. D. in Montgomery County and founded the National Association for the Advancement of Single Sex Public Education, claims â€Å"Teach boys properly, and they will learn†. All these can improve a student’s performance. Furthermore, there is a lack of distraction in single-ed. Boys are sexually distracted by girls, being at an age when they are aroused often, and girls are distracted by the boys’ behavior (Single-Sex Education). Thompson and Ungerleider, researchers for the Canadian Center for Knowledge Mobilisation [sic] state in their report â€Å"Girls are able to focus more on academics without having to worry about pleasing the guys†. They have also quoted a 15 year old male student who said â€Å"When there is a hot girl in class you tend to look at her not to concentrate†. This proves that distraction plays an important role in education, and the single-sex schools are a means of controlling it (Single Sex Schooling). Moreover, another argument is the gender gap. This refers to the difference between girls and boys. Usually, girls are academically performing better than boys. But the focus is not on how well the girls are doing but that they are doing much better than boys, the latter being often underachievers. By separating the genders in classes could be beneficial to them, focusing more on subjects they excel at, and applying different teaching methods (Single Sex Schooling). For the many supporters of single-sex schools, the improvement of achievements and progress, the different teaching styles, gender interests and strengths, as well as the gender gap are the main arguments. Single-sex ed is a popular choice among parents, even though not all students want it or feel comfortable with it and most of them, if given a choice this would not be their first. However, despite the many advantages, there are also down-sides of single-sex schools and education. Kristin Stanberry, a writer and editor specializing in parenting, education, and consumer health/wellness issues, argues that there are many who believe that gender separation is not wise as there aren’t many instructors who are able to adapt their teaching methods and understandings to only one gender. This could lead to a worse development and achievements, the exact opposite of what single-ed’s aim is. Even more, maybe the greatest counter-argument is that this way of education promotes discrimination and sexism. This is what many people believe, among them being the American Civil Liberties Union which even filed a suit against a school in Kentucky for organizing single-sex classes in their institution (Single-Sex Education: the pros and cons). By attending a single-sex school, people may develop shyness and have problems interacting with the other sex in the future, for there was no precedent during their education. Co-ed schools: Unlike single-sex schools, co-ed schools are educational institutions where boys and girls are not separated, being no restrictions and no classes where only one sex can attend. It is not a practice as old as its opponent, in the past the higher forms of education being reserved only for male students. However, in the recent past they have gained in popularity, now having many supporters. Co-ed schools have many clear advantages in comparison to single-sex ones. One of these advantages, as it is pointed out on the University Language Services’ website, by having a class with both men and women it offers more diversity, giving a better chance to interact with each other (Co-ed vs. Single Sex Schools). It helps the students to develop their ability to talk to the other sex, developing their social skills much more than single-sex schools. Edelman Public Relations, a firm specialized on doing researches and reports, did a study on Canadian students which shows that students attending a co-ed institution have a higher level of self-confidence. Furthermore, due to interaction between sexes, co-ed attendants tend to develop a deeper respect towards the other gender. 80% of students in co-ed declared that they find it very easy to create friendships and establish relationships with members of the same sex, and 72% find it easy for members of the opposite sex, while single-sex students reported that they make friends easily in only 58% of the times. Also, they have a strong feeling of security. A research reveals that â€Å"students attending co-ed schools are much more likely to discuss ideas from their homework with opposite-sex friends (83%) than students in other school environments. This interaction results in exposure to a greater diversity of views and opinions as they share ideas of both sexes†(The Benefits of the Co-educational Environment). On their website, the Cathedral School of Llandaff, Cardiff, argues that a co-ed school is also beneficial in fighting sexism and discrimination as opinions of the both sexes are expressed and debated, resulting into a better understanding of each gender and the notion of equality (Advantages of Co-Education). Alongside with all these favorable features of co-ed schools, there is the choice of people. Students tend to choose this kind of education over single-sex institutions for the above reasons, as well as the higher possibility of finding a temporarily or life-time partner, which is becoming quite important for present generations. However, although co-ed has many advantages and benefits, it also has many disadvantages. Firstly, University Language Services claims on its website that students may feel intimidated by the members of the other sex and will not participate in class discussions and activities as much as they would if it was a single-sex class (Co-ed vs. Single Sex Schools). Becky Francis affirms in her book â€Å"Boys, girls, and Achievement – Addressing the classroom issues†that another disadvantage is the unfairness that sometimes occurs. Boys usually draw more attention to themselves, dominating the classroom and acting out while girls are quieter and more withdrawn. Also, studies have shown that teachers tend to favor boys by asking them more questions and making them participate more than girls (30-31). Furthermore, Ruth Vanita, writer for the Manushi periodical, implies in the article â€Å"Some Disadvantages of Coeducation†that starting from an early age, boys tend to harass and tease girls. The effect is that this makes girls feel insecure, ashamed and might develop a negative attitude towards men as they grow up. In addition, when pairing up for sharing a desk or picking group members for different activities, those who are left out or chosen last could grow an even deeper sense of insecurity. They might also feel unattractive for the other gender, develop emotional and psychological issues, which may later lead to something worse, such as depression. 29, 31-32) Thompson and Ungerleider implied in their report that there is a â€Å"dumbing down†phenomenon as boys sometimes refuse to participate in class, give the correct answers or do homework as â€Å"it’s just not cool to be smart†and they feel they will leave a bad impression on girls if they do so. Another disadvantage is the competiveness. Girls tend to be more interested and academically active, generally being better students than boys (Single Sex Schooling). This may result into negative reactions from the boys, marginalizing girls. It could also lead to an aggressive response, or other bad outcomes such as cheating in order to keep up with the girls. Finally, it can lead to an even more deepening of the gap between boys and girls. To use a non-academic term, boys tend to be â€Å"slackers†, being lazier than girls and try to persuade them into sharing homework and helping them or giving them the answers to tests. All in all, the issue of co-ed and single-sex educational institutions is very much debated and controversial lately receiving much attention from the media, researchers and parents. They both have many supporters providing arguments trying to prove that one is better than the other. There are many positive and negative effects, advantages and disadvantages of both, and there isn’t yet a clear conclusion whether one is better than the other. While there are studies and different opinions on this issue, the way to go is a matter of personal choice. In the end all that matters is how parents and students feel and what their interest and feelings are about it when choosing one form of education or the other. And in what concerns me, I might be biased, as I’ve attended co-ed educational institutions my entire life, but I prefer this type of education, and I could never picture myself or my children being enrolled in a single-sex school. I say this because in my experience, co-ed schools have been beneficial for me and worked out to my advantage, and I strongly believe that the benefits of such an institution and the argument put forth by its supporters are strong and logical, so if it was my choice, I would choose co-ed.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Never Forget Event in My Life Essay
There is an event that I will never forget in my life. It was the day experienced my first accident in the river. At that time, I and my friends came to river to fishing after having a class in the afternoon. at exactly3. 00 pm, I got there on foot and brought all fishing equipments. we were so happy and singing together. sometimes we made a joke and screamed like a crazy man. It was a nice and unforgettable childhood. In the fishing place, we made a chair from unuseful wood around of the river. Then, we sat on it and fishing together. Close to an hour, we had not got even one fish and made us felt so bored. Although, we were still going on and tried it again and again. About 30 minutes later, the float of my fishing equipment moved. Then my friend said that â€Å"you got it†and I pulled it and finally I got one fish, but it was not too big. I felt so happy and all of my friends came to me to see that fish. Then, they back to their sit and tried it again 15 minutes later, they got it one by one. one hour later, we had got many fish about 23 fish. One of my friend told me that â€Å" it is better to swim because it is so hot today. †All of my friend agreed and decided to stop fishing and swimming in the river. One by one they jumped in the river but at that time I felt so doubt to jump because I could not swim but my friends gave me spirit and one of them said that â€Å" you are a loser â€Å". Of course, that was made me angry. Then I jumped into the water. Because I could not swim, I asked help to my friends, but they could not help me because they were far enough from me. Suddenly, I looked at a wood float on the water on my right side, I reached it and hold it. It had saved my life. I was so scare and took a deep breath. All of my friends laughed me and they came to me and took me to the land. They asked me that â€Å"why did not you tell us that you cannot swim ? â€Å" and just said†I just want to having fun with you all. †Then they took me to the water again and taught me to swim well. I tried it and one hour later I did it even it was not to well, but I had made good trying. They were so happy and so did I. That was a nice and unforgettable childhood. I have many best many friends and they are helpful. At that time, I realized that if we want to do something, we have to think about it well before, even it is just a little thing in our life. An important event changed my life – going to the university Everyone knows how Cinderella changed her life after meeting the prince. I have my own Cinderella story. I was a little girl who was always in shame. I studied hard but always got bad scores. All my friends were my neighbors. I had never gone to a far place without keeping my family company. However, an amazing change happened in 1989. I did not meet the prince, but passed the universities’ entrance examination. As lucky as Cinderella, I went to the top university of my country. My life was changed from that moment. The first change was independence. I lived in a church dormitory which was near the campus; my parents could not cook and do laundry for me anymore. I had to deal with everything by myself even handle accidents. Once, I fell down from a scooter and hurt my neck and head. I knew I had to save myself at that moment. My parents knew that their little girl had grown up after that. Now, I study alone in a country far from my hometown I can live here as well as I do in my own place. Getting confidence in myself has led me to more successes. I got my first award of the top five percent in my class in the second year. I was not as smart as a lot of geniuses on the campus, but I got great scores in my interesting subjects. I was active in student activities. We succeeded in holding a campus book exhibition. We survived a serious typhoon when we had a tour in the mountain area. When I became an elder student, I taught and took care of the younger students. An interesting major and abundant student activities built my confidence step by step. The last change deeply affects my work, my research, and my life now. The university provided a good environment to open my view. My university is famous for freedom – freedom of speech, freedom of life, and freedom in academics.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Write a Term Paper Quickly
How to Write a Term Paper Quickly How to Write a Term Paper Quickly Students writing an examination or a class assignment have various speeds of completing their tasks. There are students who will take less than half the period that has been allocated to complete a certain paper. When this happens, the other students commonly develop a certain rush to finish their assignments too and submit their papers. Instructors discourage this kind of action, citing that it can make one omit crucial information. In the same way, rushing to complete a term paper simply because your colleague has finished hers can make you spell words wrongly. Again, the important requirement of proofreading your final copy will be overlooked. It is a plus for a student to write his/her term paper quickly. This does not mean that you should rush your work, in so doing jeopardizing chances of getting a good score. Writing a term paper quickly is possible if one has grasped the elements of creative writing. One of these elements is to dedicate the first five minutes of a writing task to understand the topic and organize your concepts in a logical and coherent flow. To do this, you need to have a sheet of paper in which you will draft a rough sketch of your term paper. To some students, this is a time-wasting activity that is not necessary. The truth, however, is that writing an outline of your term paper will stimulate your brain to generate many ideas. Where these ideas are not written down, there is likelihood that they evade the mind of the student, and in the end, the writer will only have two points that do not offer enough breadth. You should not limit yourself when writing the rough sketch of your term paper. It is always advisable to put all ideas on paper, regardless of how absurd they might appear. You probably have started writing a paper with a single concept, but later realized that your mind generated many other theories from that single concept. If the writer keeps the topic in mind, every idea that is noted in the rough outline will form a paragraph, thus assisting the writer to write a detailed term paper. After doing the rough draft, your work will be to transfer the main ideas onto your clean copy. The task for the writer will be to add flesh to the skeleton provided in the outline, which should not be difficult at all. Instructors recommend that you should always tick off an idea out of your rough draft once you have incorporated it into the main document. Unless you do this, you might unconsciously repeat points, and your lecturer will penalize you for this. Modern learning institutions allow students to use computers to write their term papers. This technology makes the writing task even simpler and quicker. This is because the computer saves all your drafts, and highlights erroneous sections that require correction. Therefore, the only laborious part is drafting the first copy, and you can edit it in no time. If you need a custom term paper you can order it online from paper writing service. High quality, plagiarism-free and timely delivery guarantee!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Aids In Africa
AIDS in Zimbabwe Africa is dying. Once the cradle of civilization, the African continent is now ravaged by AIDS, and an entire generation is threatened with extinction. In Zimbabwe, an estimated 20 to 25 percent of adults are infected with AIDS and an increasing number of children, many already orphaned by the disease, are infected too. Those who have escaped AIDS so far face an uncertain future in a country where knowledge and culture are dying along with the people. Zimbabwe struggles against Aids onslaught The disaster in Zimbabwe is far worse than anyone expected By Evan Davis, BBC television's Newsnight economics correspondent, in Zimbabwe I thought I already knew all I needed to about the impact of HIV and AIDS in Africa. Watch the Newsnight report by Evan Davis Certainly I knew it was a human catastrophe, that the virus was running through populations on a scale unknown in the West, in an area of the world ill-equipped to cope. But it was only when a British businessman with extensive experience in Zimbabwe described to me some of the practical effects the illness is having on society there, that I decided I should find out more. Living in the shadow of Aids Zimbabwe now has the dubious honour of being the world's most infected country - about a quarter of the adult population is HIV positive. In many urban areas, infection runs to 40%. In the army, it is more like 80%. Life expectancy at birth, on one estimate, is poised to fall to 38 years. The country suffers from having an economy advanced enough for the virus to spread, in particular, on relatively good roads - epidemiologists have tracked high HIV prevalence along the main freight routes. Alas, the economy may be strong enough to help HIV, but it is not strong enough to fight it. Zimbabweans cannot get modern anti-retroviral drug combinations because in Zimbabwe, the annual health budget is about  £5.50 per person, enough t... Free Essays on Aids In Africa Free Essays on Aids In Africa AIDS in Zimbabwe Africa is dying. Once the cradle of civilization, the African continent is now ravaged by AIDS, and an entire generation is threatened with extinction. In Zimbabwe, an estimated 20 to 25 percent of adults are infected with AIDS and an increasing number of children, many already orphaned by the disease, are infected too. Those who have escaped AIDS so far face an uncertain future in a country where knowledge and culture are dying along with the people. Zimbabwe struggles against Aids onslaught The disaster in Zimbabwe is far worse than anyone expected By Evan Davis, BBC television's Newsnight economics correspondent, in Zimbabwe I thought I already knew all I needed to about the impact of HIV and AIDS in Africa. Watch the Newsnight report by Evan Davis Certainly I knew it was a human catastrophe, that the virus was running through populations on a scale unknown in the West, in an area of the world ill-equipped to cope. But it was only when a British businessman with extensive experience in Zimbabwe described to me some of the practical effects the illness is having on society there, that I decided I should find out more. Living in the shadow of Aids Zimbabwe now has the dubious honour of being the world's most infected country - about a quarter of the adult population is HIV positive. In many urban areas, infection runs to 40%. In the army, it is more like 80%. Life expectancy at birth, on one estimate, is poised to fall to 38 years. The country suffers from having an economy advanced enough for the virus to spread, in particular, on relatively good roads - epidemiologists have tracked high HIV prevalence along the main freight routes. Alas, the economy may be strong enough to help HIV, but it is not strong enough to fight it. Zimbabweans cannot get modern anti-retroviral drug combinations because in Zimbabwe, the annual health budget is about  £5.50 per person, enough t... Free Essays on Aids In Africa As recently as 1990, there were some regions of the world that had remained relatively unscathed by AIDS. Today, however, there is not a single country around the world which has wholly escaped the AIDS epidemic. As the epidemic has matured, some of the developed nations which were hard hit by the epidemic in the 1980s such as the United States have reported a slowing in the rate of new infections and a stabilization among existing cases with lower mortality rates and an extension of post-diagnosis lifespan. However, despite the changing face of the global AIDS pandemic, one factor remains unchanged: no region of the world bears a higher AIDS-related burden than sub-Saharan Africa. This paper examines the demographic effects of AIDS in Africa, focusing on the hardest-hit countries of sub-Saharan Africa and considers the present and future impact of the AIDS epidemic on major demographic measures such as fertility, mortality, life expectancy, gender, age, and family structure. Althoug h the sub-Saharan region accounts for just 10% of the world’s population, 67% (22.5 million) of the 33.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS in 1998 were residents of one of the 34 countries of sub-Saharan Africa, and of all AIDS deaths since the epidemic started, 83% have occurred in sub-Saharan Africa (Gilks, 1999, p. 180). Among children under age 15 living with HIV/AIDS, 90% live in sub-Saharan Africa as do 95% of all AIDS orphans. In several of the 34 sub-Saharan nations, 1 out of every 4 adults is HIV-positive (UNAIDS, 1998, p. 1). Taxing low-income countries with health care systems inadequate to handle the burden of non-AIDS related illnesses, AIDS has devastated many of the sub-Saharan African economies. The impact of AIDS on the region is such that it is now affecting demographics - changing mortality and fertility rates, reducing lifespan, and ultimately affecting population growth. Although Africa is the region of the world hardest hit by AIDS,...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Compound Words Dont Always Compare
Compound Words Dont Always Compare Compound Words Don’t Always Compare Compound Words Don’t Always Compare By Mark Nichol When it comes to linking words to form new words, English is a particularly mischievous language. Different compound words with an element word in common, or pairs of words analogous to each other, may be inconsistent about the presence or absence of a letter space or a hyphen when you see them listed in the dictionary and other resources. That goes especially for directional duos. Keep a sharp lookout for these spacing shenanigans: Front and Back For some perverse reason, a few common compounds that include front, and their back correspondents, are treated differently: â€Å"front door,†backdoor (but only as an adjective); â€Å"front seat,†backseat; â€Å"front yard,†backyard. How could this have happened? Perhaps its the ubiquity of other closed compounds beginning with back (such as backache, background, and backlash) compared to the absence of front-loaded analogues. Speaking of front-load, compounds beginning with front, such as that word and â€Å"front man,†are invariably open or hyphenated, and if they have back counterparts (you can back-load, but no one refers to a back man), those are also open or hyphenated. Another contributing factor may be that back constructions are idiomatically richer: â€Å"backdoor man,†â€Å"backseat driver,†and â€Å"backyard grill†have given compounds beginning with back a higher profile, so it’s likely they tend to evolve from open to closed compounds with greater alacrity becoming front-runners, as it were. In and Out After studying compounds beginning with in, I’m done in. Adjectival forms, whether tangible (in-flight) or intangible (in-depth), are often hyphenated, but so are many noun forms, such as in-group and in-joke. Meanwhile, most hyphenated terms beginning with out are obscure, like the fiscal term out-year, or as with out-migrate (â€Å"emigrate†). Exceptions include out-front, meaning â€Å"honest,†and out-there, meaning â€Å"unusual.†Fortunately, the most common usages are inbounds (though the antonym for that word is not outbounds, but â€Å"out of bounds†). Indoor and outdoor, inward and outward, inset and outset (though that last pair do not have antonymic meanings) don’t try to outfox or outbox us. But speaking of outbox, why, in clerical contexts, is it in-box and out-box, not inbox and outbox? This reasoning is a stretch: Though you can’t inbox someone, you can outbox them, so that form’s already taken. I’m satisfied to see the clerical terms remain hyphenated, while the pugilistic outbox is closed. Up and Down Why do you show up for a showdown? In this case, one is a verb phrase and the other is a noun. But compound nouns ending with up are usually closed (buildup, markup, windup). An exception for closure is close-up (meaning â€Å"a proximal view,†not â€Å"to lock a store for the night,†which would be hyphenated only before a noun: â€Å"He carefully followed the close-up procedure†). That’s because it follows the rule that words ending with vowels are generally hyphenated to others, rather than, well, closed up. Adjectival compounds beginning with up (such as up-country and up-tempo) and down (generally, more obscure than their up counterparts, like down-home) tend to be hyphenated. However, up nouns are usually closed (upshot, downfall). Though open or hyphenated up equivalents are almost nonexistent, down compounds can be open (the card-playing term â€Å"down card†) or hyphenated (the music term down-bow) as well. What’s the take-away (not to be confused with take-in)? Keep your dictionary handy. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesIs There a Reason â€Å"the Reason Why†Is Considered Wrong?Prepositions to Die With
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A systematic stakeholder management approach in aviation construction Dissertation
A systematic stakeholder management approach in aviation construction projects - Dissertation Example mportance of Stakeholders 5.3.1 Research Question and Hypothesis 1 5.4 Impact of Project Stakeholders 5.4.1 Research Question and Hypothesis 2 5.5 Project Stakeholder Management 5.5.1 Research Question and Hypothesis 3 5.6 Summary Chapter 6: Conclusion, Recommendation, Limitations and further studies 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Conclusion 6.3 Recommendation 6.4 Further studies Reference Appendix Appendix A : Questionnaire ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. XYZ, for all his ideas, discussions and support throughout the research that inspired me to complete my work. His dynamism, innovation and enthusiasm kept my struggles effective and in right direction. I would also express my gratitude to staff and members of Heriot-watt University for their guidance, assistance and support that helped in making this research work valuable. I am also thankful to all those who have contributed to completion and success of this research project. I am thankful to all the respondents, wh o have participated and offered their honest and candid opinions in the research surveys and interviews, and without their support and valuable inputs this research would not have completed. I would specially thank my academic colleagues and friends in Heriot-watt University whose valuable support through frequent discussions created conducive working environment to pursue research goals. Finally, I would express my sincere gratitude to my family and friends for their support which was a source of great strength for me during the research. Family gatherings, arranged during my stressed and work loaded time, helped me to enjoy outside the frame of my research. The love and support that my spouse expressed during the research is invaluable. He/she patiently listened to my monologues and... The research concluded that the most significant stakeholders with whom higher risks were associated were suppliers, clients and end users of the project. Due to their diverse and varying roles during the entire phases of the project and the tremendous risks associated with their demands and expectations, these stakeholders must be managed from very initial stages of the project. Another barrier to effective stakeholder management was lack of realization that as the project lifecycle progresses the changes have exponential negative impact on project outcomes. These changes towards the mid and end of the project cause significant increase in cost and delay the project timeline due to discoveries of stakeholder demands that should have been addressed in the initiation and planning stages of the project. The research revealed that planning, evaluation, closing and effective employment of tools and techniques for stakeholder management were the areas that needed improvement. This researc h is aimed to investigate the management of stakeholders in construction project in global aviation industry. The aim of this research is to †¢ Identify those stakeholders that are more crucial to the project management and devise a more proactive and focused approach in managing relationships with them. †¢ Determine which stakeholders influence project successful completion and thus developing a more systematic and concentrated risk management approach. †¢ Identify areas that require more concentration to improve project stakeholder management.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Life in Thailand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Life in Thailand - Essay Example Since that time I wanted to write a book myself. When I turned five years old, I and my family moved back to Bangkok. So I know two dialects of Thai language. At the age of nine, my parents sent me to Singapore for my education. There Singapore, I was taught English that followed the British System. I didn’t get that British accent but got used to it. People in Singapore have a unique accent called â€Å"Sing-lish†. There are many people of different races and cultures in the city of Singapore. Most of them are Chinese, Malay, and Indian. So I even studied the Chinese language when I was in Singapore and that also influenced my speech. So now have something like English-British-Singlish-Thai accent and a mix of languages in my mind. After that, I moved to Los Angeles for studying in Junior High. When I began living in the USA I also heard and adopted the American accent and because of that, I have had a hard time speaking and understanding. It felt like all the language s and dialects were mixed up in my head. It was a difficult time not only for me but also for my new friends and teachers, it was hard for them to understand what I was trying to say. And even now I still have an echo of this problem in my life. Sometimes I still feel that it is difficult for people to understand my speech. But, unfortunately, I cannot do anything with that. The name of my native country is the word, which sounds like â€Å"Thai†in our language, means â€Å"freedom†and we call our country â€Å"Prathet Thai†while the name that all the people got used to Thailand appeared only in 1930th. Speaking about the culture of Thailand I should mention that Buddhism and other religions and beliefs greatly influenced Thai art and way of life. Â
Innovation Management and its Critical Success Factors Research Paper
Innovation Management and its Critical Success Factors - Research Paper Example  Across the world, competition is intensified due to increasing globalisation. Hence, businesses today are facing numerous challenges besides issues of cost or quality of their products and services. Gaining customer loyalty and satisfying their expectations are at the forefront in business operations; hence companies have to products and services that are considered as valuable. By becoming innovative organizations, it is possible for companies to compete in this dynamic and changing business environment. Evidence from research reveals that innovation is one of the paths to maintaining increasingly progressive organisational performance. It is also the key element â€Å"for sustaining competitiveness and ensuring an organization’s future potential†(Wong & Chin, 2007, p.1290). The critical role played by organizational innovation management in organizational performance and progress, makes it necessary for organizations to manage and sustain organizational innovati on well. The inadequate involvement of several companies in innovation management is because of inconclusive and inconsistent research on the subject. This results in organizations failing to capture comprehensive concepts of innovation, and are unable to translate these into practical organizational innovation procedures (Wong & Chin, 2007). Research conducted by Wong and Chin (2007) investigated organizational innovation management as one of the critical means to sustain competitiveness in the long term. ... Hence, businesses today are facing numerous challenges besides issues of cost or quality of their products and services. Gaining customer loyalty and satisfying their expectations are at the forefront in business operations; hence companies have to products and services that are considered as valuable. By becoming innovative organisations, it is possible for companies to compete in this dynamic and changing business environment. Evidence from research reveals that innovation is one of the paths to maintaining increasingly progressive organisational performance. It is also the key element â€Å"for sustaining competitiveness and ensuring an organization’s future potential†(Wong & Chin, 2007, p.1290). The critical role played by organisational innovation management in organisational performance and progress, makes it necessary for organisations to manage and sustain organisational innovation well. The inadequate involvement of several companies in innovation management i s because of inconclusive and inconsistent research on the subject. This results in organisations failing to capture comprehensive concepts of innovation, and are unable to translate these into practical organisational innovation procedures (Wong & Chin, 2007). Research conducted by Wong and Chin (2007) investigated organisational innovation management as one of the critical means to sustain competitiveness in the long term. The purpose of the study was to develop and validate an organisation-wide innovation management framework. An extensive literature review helped to develop core values and concepts of an organisational innovation management system. Wong and Chin (2007) identified organisational
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Speeches of the Security Members during the Resolution over Syria Essay
Speeches of the Security Members during the Resolution over Syria - Essay Example Even though, America and NATO expressed their concern regarding the affairs in that region their worry was the intimidation masqueraded by Islamic terrorism (Amnesty International, 2012, Pg.123-124). The latest Sino-Russian support over Syria in the UN Security Council, the General Assembly and other global meetings is suggestive as it reveals a mutual sense of dangers, and solidarity to develop a policy to resist America, NATO and other regional nations where their course of action threatens Chinese and Russian interests. This paper shall analyze the latest Security Council debate, which led to the resolution S/2012/77 and criticized the extended brutality caused by the Syrian authorities. I shall particularly analyze the five speeches made by the representatives of the Security members, which includes, USA, China, Russia, Syria and Azerbaijan countries (Khashan, 2011, Pg.120). In the context of the latest Security Council, the debate that led to the veto resolution S/2012/77, the Syrian government is under criticism regarding its brutal actions, and the purpose of this debate was to stop violation of human rights and attacks caused by Syria. Instead of endorsing the move to full capacity, the Russian and the Chinese ambassadors, Vitaly Churkin and Li Baodong respectively, implemented a mutual policy purposed at creating a resolution that would not be harsh on both the Syrian authorities or remove president Bashar from office. In endorsing their policy, they claimed that implementing such a resolution would provoke external armed intrusion in Syria, and this may cause an outbreak of a bloodier civil war (International Crisis Group, 2011, Pg.100-101). Vitaly Churkin emphasized that Russia’s idea was an objective solution that would eradicate human violence and attacks and commence a political healing in Syria. He said that Russia had already arranged a meeting with President Al-Assad the following week, in order to obtain a concession that would create a peaceful dialogue between the regime and the opposition parties. Â
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7
Business law - Essay Example Moreover, her offer was published in a local newspaper, read by a large group of persons. Cheryl’s offer is unilateral as she â€Å"promised†in her advertisement to sell her minibuses to anyone who will pay  £15,000. Therefore, Cheryl made a legal conditional promise. On the other hand, there is the possibility, as it happened in Cheryl’s case, that more than one person will become interested in her offer and will be willing to accept it. Thus, it is necessary to clarify, judging by each person’s actions, who has the right to enter into a contract with Cheryl. The general rule of acceptance of an offer resulted from the case of Holwell Securities V Hughes 1974, where it was stated that the acceptance of one’s offer must be communicated to the offeror by the person that is accepting the offer in any possible way. Of course, the manifestation of the acceptance must be exteriorized, so that it is understood by the offeror. Moreover, the manifestation of accepting the offer must be linked to the offer itself and the offeror must receive the acceptance. There are several manners of accepting an offer: in written form, orally or by mail. In order to understand if Cheryl has a contract with any of the accepting parties, their manners of acceptance must be analyzed. The first person – Britney – told Cheryl she would let her know within the following week whether or not she would purchase the minibuses. The following week Britney accepted the purchase price of the black minibuses for  £15,000 by speaking to Cheryl directly. In the meantime, Cheryl made an offer via an e-mail for a reduced price of  £12,000 to her friend Amy, who agrees to purchase the minibuses on the condition that they are re-sprayed white. So, Amy made a cross offer, stating that she would accept Cheryl’s offer if this condition was respected. In the case of Tinn v Hoffmann & Co (1873) 29 LT 271 it was shown that cross offers do not lead to a binding
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Speeches of the Security Members during the Resolution over Syria Essay
Speeches of the Security Members during the Resolution over Syria - Essay Example Even though, America and NATO expressed their concern regarding the affairs in that region their worry was the intimidation masqueraded by Islamic terrorism (Amnesty International, 2012, Pg.123-124). The latest Sino-Russian support over Syria in the UN Security Council, the General Assembly and other global meetings is suggestive as it reveals a mutual sense of dangers, and solidarity to develop a policy to resist America, NATO and other regional nations where their course of action threatens Chinese and Russian interests. This paper shall analyze the latest Security Council debate, which led to the resolution S/2012/77 and criticized the extended brutality caused by the Syrian authorities. I shall particularly analyze the five speeches made by the representatives of the Security members, which includes, USA, China, Russia, Syria and Azerbaijan countries (Khashan, 2011, Pg.120). In the context of the latest Security Council, the debate that led to the veto resolution S/2012/77, the Syrian government is under criticism regarding its brutal actions, and the purpose of this debate was to stop violation of human rights and attacks caused by Syria. Instead of endorsing the move to full capacity, the Russian and the Chinese ambassadors, Vitaly Churkin and Li Baodong respectively, implemented a mutual policy purposed at creating a resolution that would not be harsh on both the Syrian authorities or remove president Bashar from office. In endorsing their policy, they claimed that implementing such a resolution would provoke external armed intrusion in Syria, and this may cause an outbreak of a bloodier civil war (International Crisis Group, 2011, Pg.100-101). Vitaly Churkin emphasized that Russia’s idea was an objective solution that would eradicate human violence and attacks and commence a political healing in Syria. He said that Russia had already arranged a meeting with President Al-Assad the following week, in order to obtain a concession that would create a peaceful dialogue between the regime and the opposition parties. Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 141
Discussion - Essay Example It comprises of both the internal and external attributes of the business. Selecting output as an indicator demonstrates to the customers that the firm values environmental, economic and social development. It also illustrates that Coca-Cola considers product safety and the changing customer demands. Hence, reporting on the firms output and giving the consumers a chance to contribute towards the same improves Coca Colas public image (Pride, Hughes & Kapoor, 2014). Customers behavior is an indicator of satisfaction or the reverse. Incorporating it gives Coca Cola an opportunity to gauge the products progress. A dissatisfied consumer base is an indication that the firm should invest in product innovation. It also enables efficient marketing and formulation of pricing mechanisms. Therefore, observing customer behaviors through comments, photos guides policy formulation and organizational culture. A customers attitude can result in either high profits or loss to the business. A bad attitude lowers the profit margin while a positive attitude enhances sales. Therefore, taking into consideration the customers attitudes gives Coca-Cola a competitive edge. It also facilitates product awareness across the globe (Pride, Hughes & Kapoor,
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Comparison of Tyack and Dewey Essay Example for Free
The Comparison of Tyack and Dewey Essay In your own words, summarize each chapter in Tyack and Cuban’s Tinkering Toward Utopia. Write one sentence for each chapter in your own words. Do not include any quotations. Prologue: Learning from the Past Reformers today need to focus on ways to help teachers improve instruction from the inside out. Chapter 1: Progress or Regress? Progress or regress, we are still left with the problem of those who live in poverty. Chapter 2: Policy Cycles and Institutional Trends Changes in schools do show some cycles, but most of the messages remain the same. Chapter 3: How Schools Change Reforms If teachers would be more involved while collaborating and sharing information there could be more effective school reform. Chapter 4: Why the Grammar of Schooling Persists The Grammar of schooling provided a stable structure for a vast number of people. Chapter 5: Reinventing Schooling Reinventing schooling is correcting and continuing what is best about our present system. Epilogue: Looking toward the Future Education is a process of recycling democracy to create a healthy common good in society. Tyack and Cuban’s â€Å"grand theory†or â€Å"big idea†: Education can change society. Read your summary sentences carefully. Write one succinct paragraph sharing what Tyack and Cuban’s main ideas are regarding the assumptions and purposes of public education, the politicization of public education, and the interaction of social change and school reform. You will demonstrate that you have been a critical reader as you capture the essence of Tyack and Cuban’s ideas during this period of their writing. Tyack and Cuban felt that one of the purposes of education was to change society. Their thoughts are that changes in schools show cycles based on trends, but messages remain the same. Reformers today need to focus on ways to help teachers improve instruction from the inside out. Education is a process of recycling democracy to create a healthy common good in society.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Effect of Love Stories on Real Life
Effect of Love Stories on Real Life Okikioluwa Akinbiyi Akindele How do love stories (in the media) affect our understanding of romance in real life? Romance is something that exists all around us. It can be said that many of us grew up with hearing epic love stories such as Cinderella, Snow White and the likes. Romantic movies have played a significant role in the entertainment industry. According to a recent survey carried out by the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, romance is the third highest grossing genre coming behind adventure and action which are 1st and 2nd respectively (USBLS, 2013). However these romantic movies and love stories have played a part in the distortion of the understanding and expectation of love in real life. According to Jake and Melissa Kircher, â€Å"because of media and technology, the ways in which people fall in love, connect within relationship and experience sexuality are different than any other generation before this one.†(Kircher, 2011). They go ahead to point out that the root of any romance is love. This over-emphasis on love in this generation is encouraged by the media that tells s tories, sings songs and writes books about how true love conquers all, is ultimately fulfilling, brings a never-ending wealth of happiness and is rarely marred by significant conflict. As beautiful a picture that is, it does not happen that way in real life. However, the tantalising and intriguing images which are seen by these people give them a certain picture on how romance should be. These people get disappointed when they realise that sometimes romance gets boring. The appeal of fantastic love stories is undeniable. (Galloway, 2011). According to Bachen and Illouz, the contemporary portrayals of romantic love are a â€Å"visual affair†, reiterating the fact that where the written word may fall short, images impressed upon us can elicit strong emotional arousal. They go ahead to explain that mediated images and representations-such as those used on television, in films and adverts- â€Å"evoke strong mechanisms of identification, are intensely realistic and are the privileged discourse of sexual and romantic desire â€Å"giving them an air of credibility.†(Bachen Illouz, 1996). Galican points out that the source of much appeal is the absolution of any real personal responsibility in a romantic relationship. (Galician, 2009). If a relationship fails miserably, then obviously â€Å"this one†was not â€Å"the one†and individuals must continue to wait patiently for their damsel in distress or knight in shining armour as is in the case of stories like Rapunzel, Snow White and so on. As people get attached to these images of romance from the media, they begin to yearn for a romance that is filled with happiness and personal fulfilment. When it does not happen this way, these people believe that love is gone and this has led to the end of beautiful relationships that would have created ultimate happiness for both parties (Kircher, 2011). I will investigate, using relevant literature, and find out to what extent epic love stories affect our understanding of love in real life. I will then outline my proposed methodology which will be used and I will give the potential implications. Literature Review Movies as mass communication Many epic love stories are produced to the public in the form of movies. When one thinks of movies, the cinema immediately springs to mind. Over the years the cinema has been a neutral destination where couples go on dates, single people look for romance, friends go to relax, or to just have good family fun. According to Matzkin (1999) cited in Galloway (2011) movie audiences have become more â€Å"fragmented†and â€Å"homogenous†since the cinema’s inception and are â€Å"largely composed of young movie goers between the ages of 12 and 29†(Galloway, 2011). In the USA and Canada alone, multitudes numbering approximately 1,343,000,000, visit the cinemas each year. (Motion Picture Association of America, 2013). However more and more people are beginning to reduce their movie going because they would rather rent movies ands stay at home for free rather than pay at the cinema. Also staying at home saves time and energy as mobility is reduced. The advancement of technology has made the movie watching experience a lot better and more engaging. With the creation of 3D TV screens and surround sound system, movie viewers are able to have and enjoy the cinema experience in the comfort of their homes. Accordig to Anne Jackel ‘†¦powerful players in the film industry argued that a larger number of screens would provide greater diversity and more choice. (Albertazzi Cobley, 2010). She goes on to point that digital distribution offers a wider choice and has the capability to promote cultural diversity. The use of the internet is another way people are able to access these movies. With the ability to stream videos online, infrequent theater goers are able to watch newly released movies in the comfort of their own homes. With the furtherance of digital technology, viewers are susceptible to watch these movies and allow themselves be fed with different love myths. Love Myths â€Å"A basic function of the media is the creation of representation or simulations- reproduced versions of reality†(Foss, Foss, Trapp, 2002). There are certain themes or rather myths that are usually present in romantic stories which has an effect on the audience. Cassady Green (2013) points out that the audience often leaves the movie theatre yearning for a love similar to the one on the silver screen. She goes ahead to explain the problems involved as women and adolescents begin to expect similar qualities in their own love life, many of which are improbable or even unobtainable in reality. One prevalent myth in love stories is the notion of the soul mate. Two parties being â€Å"destined†or â€Å"made†for one another. These stories or movies leads to both soulmates finding each other. In the movie â€Å"Down To Earth (Weitz Weitz, 2001), Lance played by Chris Rockrides is riding on his bike when he spots Sontee(Regina King). They both share a moment of attraction. Unfortunately he is hit and killed by a truck, prematurely. To fix the mistake he is offered the body of an old grouchy unloving billionaire. When he sees Sontee at the billionaire’s house, he believes that Sontee is his soulmate and hence agres to take the body of Charles Wellington III, just to be with her. In the short while before he is killed, Lance and Sontee fall in love while Lance is still in the body of the old man. Even after he is killed and he comes back as another person, Joe Guy, who is not supposed to remember anybody from Lance’s past, he is still able to make some sort of connection with Sontee and the movie ends with both of them going out for coffee. This reiterates the myth of soulmates: no matter what happens both parties are destined to end up together. Cassady Green (2013) observes that â€Å"soulmates is a notion that can be particularly detrimental to real life relationships. This is because viewers are led to believe that they can have a one of a kind relationship which is special and unlike no one else’s. The likelihood of this happening is very slim and this goes a long way in explaining the impact these stories have on the viewer. Also there are instances where one person has incredibly strong feelings for someone, a â€Å"love epiphany†so to say. These movies give viewers the impression that it is not strange for someone to suddenly getstrong feelings of love for nother person. This has the power to lead to the dissatisfaction of one’s ownlove life due to the high expectations that viewers have for th eir relationships which are demonstrated in popular films. Another love myth is the notion of ‘love at first sight’. According to Gallician (2004) cited by Galloway (2011), â€Å"In the â€Å"reel†world, there is, in fact, â€Å"such a thing as love at first sight†. A fleeting gaze exchanged in a minute’s time registers as a moment of revelation, foreshadowing the fulfillment of an otherworldly bond between two strangers whose fates are inextricably intertwined. Often visual portrayals of these two myths emphasize the loneliness and lack that plagues one’s life prior to finding his or her â€Å"one and only.†(Galloway, 2011). This myth already conditions the mind of the viewer to believe that if in real life, a scenario where they come in contact with other people for the first- if that moment does not contain characteristics of a â€Å"love at first sight†moment, then the relationship is not meant to be. Another myth that we are shown in romantic stories is the idea that ‘all you need is love’. (Galician, 2009) This is when people begin to behave out of reason just because of love. According to Galloway (2011), â€Å"characters in television shows and movies give up or alter their own systems of belief in exchange for affection†. Characters in these stories believe that ‘problems will work themselves out in the name of love’ (Galloway, 2011). An example is The Little Mermaid (Clements Musker, 1989) where the protagonist,Ariel chooses to trade her voice for human parts just because she fell in love with Prince Eric. At the end of the movie, she gets her voice and still stays a human. This gives viewers the idea that because of love, you are able to have your cake and eat it. In the story of Snow White, where she had eaten the fruit and had gone into a deep sleep. It was an act of love, a kiss from a prince that broke the spell and woke her up and the â€Å"lived happily ever after†. The 2013 film â€Å"Frozen†is another example of how love is the ultimate. After plunging the kingdom into a never ending winter, Elsa finally realises that love is the way to end the problem. (Buck Lee, 2013). Another myth that is portrayed in the romantic stories is the idea that â€Å"the love of a good woman can change a man from a â€Å"beast†in to a â€Å"prince†(Galician, 2009). An example is the movie Beauty and The Beast (Trousdale Wise, 1991). Through the ‘power of love’ and the â€Å"goodness of her heart†Belle was able to change the scary, abusive,monstrous Beast into a handsome loving prince. According to Mary-Lou Galician, (2009), â€Å"Belle’s attempts to reform her captor would be most unwise in real life. We cannot change others- especially not abusive â€Å"heroes†who have a good heart inside if only the woman can be â€Å"good enough†to bring it out. This fallacy underlies much domestic violence.†Social Cognitive Theory This is a theory that suggests that individuals commit to memory behaviours they have observed to be later used as models on which to base their own behaviour. (Green, 2013). These behaviours are more likely to be modeled when they have been modeled by accompllished people whom the world agrees with and if the outcome of the behaviour appeals to the audience. When we talk about romantic stories in this case, the theory suggests that the audience may actively observe the behaviour within relationships depicted by the media in order to gain understanding in how they themselves could behave in their own relationships. (Green, 2013). This theory works for fashion trends also. If a celebrity decides to make a fashion choice, chances are that trend will take off and everyone will begin to dress as such. An example is David Beckham. Over theyears, he has managed to set trends for young men, especially in the UK when it comes to hairstyles. According to SS, (SS, 2009)â€Å"Beckhams differen t hairdos are talked about just as much as his soccer skills, and a new season often means a great new style.†Proposed Methodology I plan to organise a focus group comprising of people from different courses at my university. In this focus group, the main theme will be my topic: How love stories affect our understanding of love and romance in real life. We would also be discussing other questions like â€Å"what do you think is the reason why people believe the notions embedded within these stories and also what they feel about the importance of language within stories. I plan to do this because I would like to find oout According to Galloway(2011) content analyses of romantic media are useful. I would implement this methodology because one may find that the nature of modern movies has evolved to represent realistic relationships or regressed, depicting only mythic love storie (Galloway, 2011). Also I am planning to conduct an interview with members of a book club and get their views on romance from romantic books they have all read. In addition to organising the focus group, I plan to make use of questionnaires to carry out a survey. My aim of the questionnaires is to find out which gender is easily persuaded or more prone to believe the romantic myths given to us by media producers. I intend to utilise the questionnaire used by Lauren Galloway (2011) in her article. ‘Does Movie viewing cultivate unrealistic expectations about love and marriage’ as a guideline in building my own survey questionnaires. I would use the results and findings I have gathered to develop a series of recommendations concerning love stories and their ability to deceive us into believing something that we are not supposed to. So these are the three methodologies I intend to use to tacke this research: focus group and interviews, content analysis and discourse analysis. The Association of Qualitative Research (AQR, 2013) defines the Focus group/interviews as a â€Å"term often applied to a group discussion carried out for market research purposes. Participants unknown to each other are brought together, in a particular neutral location, for the specific purpose of discussing an issue, or responding to ideas or materials of interest to the client of the research.†In this case, focus groups are important because they are useful in finding out an audience’s opinion on the representation of romance in movies. Content analysis is another interesting way because it shows how often something is represented. Satu Elo and Helvi Kyngas (2007) define content analysis as a method of analysing documents. Content analysis allows the researcher to test theoretical issues to enhance understanding of the dat a. (Elo Kyngas, 2007) In this case, it is important to know how often romance is represented in the movies and stories. Finally, discourse analysis/semiotics can be defined as explicit, systematic account of structures, strategies or processes of text or talk in terms of theoretical notions developed in any branch of the field. (Dijk, 2013) exists to find out what the representation means. Videography Buck, C., Lee, J. (Directors). (2013). Frozen [Motion Picture]. Clements, R., Musker, J. (Directors). (1989). The Little mermaid [Motion Picture]. Trousdale, G., Wise, K. (Directors). (1991). Beauty and The Beast [Motion Picture]. Weitz, C., Weitz, P. (Directors). (2001). Down To Earth [Motion Picture] Bibliography Albertazzi, D., Cobley, P. (2010). The Media: An Introduction. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. America, M. P. (2013). Theatrical Market Statistics. USA. AQR. (2013). Focus group. Retrieved April 2014, from Association of qualitative research: Bachen, C. M., Illouz, E. (1996). Imagining romance: Young peoples cultural models of romance and love. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, pp. 279-308. Dijk, T. A. (2013, November 1). What do we mean by Discourse Analysis. Retrieved April 2014, from Discourse in Society: Elo, S., Kyngas, H. (2007). The qualitative content analysis process. Journal of Advance Nursing, 107-115. Foss, S. K., Foss, K. A., Trapp, R. (2002). Contemporary: perspective on rhetoric. Waveland Press Inc. Galician, M.-L. (2009). Sex, Love and Romance in the Mass Meida: Analysis and Criticism of Unrealistic Portrayals and Their influence. New York: Routledge. Galloway, L. F. (2011, August). Does Movie Viewing Cultivate Unrealistic Expectation About Love and Marriage. Nevada, U.S.A. Green, C. (2013). The Effects of Romantic Comedies on Women and Female Adolescents. The National Conference On Undergraduate Research (pp. 400-403). Georgetown: Georgetown College. Kircher, J. K. (2011, April 12). Does Media Distort Love. Retrieved April 2014, from Relevant: SS. (2009, June 24). David Beckham: Hairstyles of a Celebrity Trendsetter. Retrieved April 2014, from USBLS. (2013, January 1). Motion Picture Industry Statistics. Retrieved April 2014, from Statistic Brain:
Saturday, October 12, 2019
St. Catherine of Siena Essay -- Essays Papers
St. Catherine of Siena Catherine of Siena was born in Italy in 1347 at a time when political and religious changes were affecting the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Dedicating her life to the Holy Spirit from a very young age, Catherine pursued a life of purity and simplicity that served as a background to her great literary work, The Dialogue of the Divine Providence . Her work focuses on the importance of prayer and its transcendent power in human life. In the early stages of Catherine's life the surfacing modern age was bringing with it social turmoil which spread throughout Europe (Giordani 3). During Catherine's lifetime, according to Mary Ann Sullivan in her essay â€Å"St. Catherine of Siena,†the center of Catholic rule fluctuated between Rome and Avignon and contributed to a schism between popes in Italy and France (1). Catherine was born 23rd in a line of 25 children and, according to Sullivan â€Å"even at a young age, [she] sensed the troubled society around her and wanted to help†(1). While her parents were not exceptionally religious, St. Catherine's biographer Blessed Raymond of Capua discusses Catherine's early zeal for Catholic practices: â€Å"When she was about five she learned the Hail Mary, and repeated it over and over again as often as she could†¦she was inspired by heaven to address the Blessed Virgin in this way whenever she went up and down stairs, stopping to kneel on each step as she di d so†(24). Her devotion to the Virgin Mary would become especially important in a vision she had around this time while walking with her brother to visit one of her sisters. When Catherine was six she saw a bridal chamber up in the heavens with Jesus Christ who bestowed upon her the sign of the cross and his eternal bene... ...e University of Georgia Press, 1984. 252-255. Blessed Raymond of Capua. The Life of Saint Catherine of Siena . Trans. George Lamb. New York: P.J. Kennedy and Sons, 1960. Catherine of Siena. The Dialogue of the Divine Providence . Trans. Algar Thorold. 1907. 25 Feb. 2004 . Gardner, Edmund G. Saint Catherine of Siena . London: J.M. Dent & Co., 1907. Giordani, Igino. Catherine of Siena: Fire and Blood . Trans. Thomas J. Tobin. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1959. Meiss, Millard. Painting in Florence and Siena After the Black Death . New York: Princeton University Press, 1979. Petroff, Elizabeth Alvilda. Medieval Women's Visionary Literature . New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Sullivan, Mary Ann. St. Catherine of Siena . 1996. 29 Feb. 2004 .
Friday, October 11, 2019
Of Mice and Men †Essay †Lonely Characters Discussion Essay
In the opening chapter of ‘Of Mice and Men’ John Steinbeck immediately introduces the theme of loneliness and the reality of men living very temporary lives with no real direction. Loneliness is an inevitable fact of life that not even the strongest can avoid. Throughout the story, readers discover many sources of loneliness and isolation. Candy is an old ranch worker who lost his hand a few years back while working. He is a lonely man who owns an old, smelly, disabled dog that can hardly walk. This really was his only companion. In the end his dog was shot. Candy’s life was heading in the isolation direction even further. The quote on page 59 â€Å"S’pose I went in with you guys. That’s three hundred and fifty bucks I’d put in†¦. How’d that be?†This was his effort to try and join in with George and Lennie’s dream ranch. Crooks is a black Negro Stable Buck who wears glasses and has a busted back. He is an extremely lonely man and probably the loneliest in the novel due to his complexion. He is treated by the others in a rude manner and is left sitting in his little room helpless with an uncomfortable bed which makes his back worse. The quote on page 67-68 â€Å"You got no right to come into my room. This here’s my room. Nobody got any right in here but me†. This is how he reacted to the treatment he was getting, but in the end he was quiet a nice guy to know. Curley’s Wife is a very lonely woman who wears red mules, has red fingernails, full rouged lips and hair rolled in clusters. She has no name throughout the entire book to reinforce how insignificant a person she is. Her life with her husband was nothing to do with loving each other because she didn’t even like Curley because he was not a nice bloke. The quote on page 87 â€Å"Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes†tells us that her ambition was to become an actor. In the end she ended up being murdered by Lennie after trying to become his friend. George and Lennie, although unhappy at times, are not lonely, because they share a very close bond with each other, and have traveled together ever since Lennie’s Aunt Clara died. The only thing that seems to keep them working for next to nothing is the thought of owning their own ranch someday. In the final chapter Lennie states triumphantly on page 103 â€Å"An’ I got you. We got each other, that’s what, that gives a hoot in hell about us.†In the end George felt he had to shoot Lennie himself, so that he would die instantly, rather than suffer as Curley killed him slowly and painfully. Lennie’s murder was George’s final act of friendship. But it also ended their long friendship and now George would be lonely as he traveled around from job to job. In conclusion the loneliest people in this story are Crooks, Candy and Curley’s Wife. The friendship between George and Lennie was a strong bond all throughout the story, but it all ended when tragically George shot Lennie because he could no longer protect him any further.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Three things that happened in m life, and push me to stude
What is that challenge? How is work? Is that something I can stay home and it will come over to me? Is that something I can befit because my parents have it? My explanation about challenge could be different but I think it will work. Challenge is always people dreams but most do not complete it Challenge is your dream, is something you want died for, you sacrifice our life for You believe in, you spend all your time for, you borrow money for, you cut in your sleep for, and onetime you don't sleep for, First is work!When you want, when you decide to sacrifice you life for it, and will see how work is. No is not something you can stay home and it will come to you, is something you go looking for, no matter how bad it is outside no matter how bad the whether is you wake up with it in you head and get out looking for it, no matter how hard everything is for you go looking for it.No challenge is not something you could be befit from any parents, our parents could e rich and gives you what ever you want, you still need to know you need challenge , our parents can give you most time they have doesn't mean anything, you can have to put yourself out and looking for challenge Just like I did. Remember challenge is go back to school, or if you already at school fit for it, spend all your time on it, always have an your mine why you wake up early for? Why would you go to school for? Why would you do anything Jobs to survive?Why would you need to spend a lot of time in school for? Don't forget how much money you loose if you spend four years in college, and could save that money and go to work making more money, always ask yourself why would you do that for, and keep going in school you will see it, you will understand it, you will satisfy it, you will love it, you will say this is how challenge work. No matter how long it will take you , no matter how hard it is to do your homework, no matter how late you been , no matter how bad your grade is don't give up.
Economy in Tibet
Economy Since the democratic reform in 1959, and especially since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy in 1978, Tibet has witnessed remarkable economic development. The Tibetan economy is dominated by subsistence agriculture. The Tibetan yak still plays an important role in Tibetan life. Yaks still promote the best way to plow fields in Tibet. The Tibetan economy is dominated by subsistence agriculture.Due to limited arable land, the primary occupation of the Tibetan Plateau is raising livestock, such as sheep, cattle, goats, camels, yaks, horses and some crops such as barley, buckwheat, wheat, potatoes, and assorted fruits and vegetables. Development Zone The State Council approved Tibet Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone as a state-level development zone in 2001. It is located in the western suburbs of Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region. It is a flat zone, ideal for construction services , and it has the natural conditions for good drainage .Source: http://www. starmass. com/china_review/provincial_overview/tibet_demographic_economy. htm Tibet demographic analysis and economy overview The service sector plays an important role in Tibet’s economy growth. This is because in 2007, more than half (55%) of the provincial GDP is derived from the service industries. Tourism plays a crucial role to the province’s economic growth. Newly emerging service sectors such as modern commerce, tourism, posts and telecommunications, catering, cultural entertainment and information technology have also been developing rapidly.The construction sector contributes 21% to the provincial GDP, agricultural sector 16% and manufacturing contributes the least- 8% to the total GDP GDP While traditional agricultural work and animal husbandry continue to lead the area's economy, in 2005 the tertiary sector contributed more than half of its GDP growth, the first time it surpassed the area's primary industry. Rich reserves of natural res ources and raw materials have yet to lead to the creation of a strong secondary sector, due in large part to the province's inhospitable terrain, low population density, an underdeveloped infrastructure and the high cost of extractionTibet's GDP in 2008 reached 39. 6 billion Yuan. The Chinese government says that it exempts Tibet from all taxation and provides 90% of Tibet's government expenditure. Critics say that the central government is stripping Tibetan resources and neglecting the welfare of Tibetan people. Tibet's economy has grown on average 15% per year from 2000 to 2006. http://news. xinhuanet. com/english/2009-03/30/content_11098888. htm Report on economic and social development of Tibet www. chinaview. cn 2009-03-30 10:22:48 Source: http://www. starmass. com/china_review/provincial_overview/tibet_demographic_economy. tm Tibet demographic analysis and economy overview The GDP per capita reached 13. 861 Yuan in 2008 for the first time in Tibet's history. GDP reached 39,5 b illion Yuan in 2008. In the first six months of 2008, economic growth in Tibet was halved after the Lhasa riots (a series of riots, protests, and demonstrations that started in the capital of Lhasa and spread to other Tibetan areas and a number of monasteries including outside the Tibet Autonomous Region. The violence was mostly directed at Han and Hui civilians). The Lhasa riots led to a slump in tourism and consumption.In recent years, due to increased interest in Tibetan Buddhism, tourism has become an increasingly important sector, and is actively promoted by the authorities. (Philipois) China has invested 310 billion yuan (about 45. 6 billion U. S. dollars) in Tibet since 2001. Industry There was no modern industry or infrastructure before the 1950s With some adjustments, the value of industrial output rose again in the late 1980s. Moreover, as in the rest of China, the ownership structure of industrial enterprises in the TAR also experienced a major change.In 2007, for a â€Å"gross industrial output value†totalling 5,044 million yuan, 33,1 % came from state enterprises, 5. 6 % from collectively-owned enterprises and 61. 3 % from â€Å"others†(private companies, joint ventures and foreign companies). Thus, private enterprise is now the main source of growth in industrial production. Commerce (traditional handicrafts, carpets etc) tourism, catering, leisure and other industries that had never been heard of in old Tibet, are now booming as the primary industries in the region. Prospects for Growth and DevelopmentAlthough Tibet's society and economy were affected by the March14 Incident in 2008, the impact on most local industries was limited, except for temporary difficulties for tourism in Tibet. In the next few years, Tibet's economy is expected to maintain sound and rapid development in virtue of favorable factors such as increasing investment and transfer payments from the central government, rising income level of farmer s and herdsmen, and burgeoning consumption by local residents. Slides (Philips, just in case you want to use this map†¦ I think it`s a good one)Slide 1: Economy in Tibet Democratic reform in 1959 and reform and opening-up policy in 1978: remarkable economic development in Tibet. Traditionally dominated by subsistence agriculture. Due to limited arable land, the primary occupation of the Tibetan Plateau is raising livestock, such as sheep, cattle, goats, camels, yaks, horses and some crops such as barley, buckwheat, wheat, potatoes, and assorted fruits and vegetables. Slide 2: Yaks still promote the best way to plow fields in Tibet. Slide 3: Development ZoneThe State Council approved Tibet Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone as a state-level development zone in 2001. Location: in the western suburbs of Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Flat zone Construction services Natural conditions for good drainage. Slide 4: Tibet`s GDP Industry: no modern ind ustry or infrastructure before the 1950s With some adjustments, the value of industrial output rose again in the late 1980s. Nowadays private enterprise is the main source of growth in industrial production.Newly emerging service sectors: modern commerce, tourism, posts and telecommunications, catering, cultural entertainment and information technology have also been developing rapidly. Tourism: essential for the economic growth. Source: http://www. starmass. com/china_review/provincial_overview/tibet_demographic_economy. htm – Tibet demographic analysis and economy overview Slide 5: Economic Growth and GDP Tibet's GDP in 2008 reached 39. 6 billion Yuan. Tibet's economy has grown on average 15% per year from 2000 to 2008. In the first six months of 2008, economic growth in Tibet was negatively affected by Lhasa riots.Source: http://news. xinhuanet. com/english/2009-03/30/content_11098888. htm – Report on economic and social development of Tibet Slide 6 China has invest ed 310 billion yuan (about 45. 6 billion U. S. dollars) in Tibet since 2001. The GDP per capita reached 15. 000 Yuan in 2009. Source: http://www. starmass. com/china_review/provincial_overview/tibet_demographic_economy. htm – Tibet demographic analysis and economy overview I COULDN`T FIND ANY GOOD VIDEOS†¦ http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=_xkzjvx7SzE;feature=related
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The effects of media on new generations Research Paper
The effects of media on new generations - Research Paper Example Digital media mainly comprises of television. Television is mostly used by young generation to spend most of their time. Watching violent programs can cause violent behavior in young generations; excessive use of digital media leads to decrease in academic performance, certain programs can result in unnatural sexual behavior among young generation. As per a data analysis it has been found that a youth on an average watches 12,000 violent acts annually in a television including acts of rape and murder. There have been about 1000 reports that confirm that watching heavy doses of violence in television leads to aggressive behavior in young generation. Extensive watching of television has adverse effect on nutrition. For an example the amount of advertisements shown for fast foods, presweetened cereals and candies is much more related to healthy food which advertises only 4% of the total advertisements. Due to extensive watching of sex related programs it has been recorded that sex between unmarried couples is 24 times more than married partners. It leads to unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. A report mentions huge increase in sex related interactions during family hours (NCBI 1). Alcohol and smoking consumption has increased a lot among young generation in a last couple of years solely due to advertisements and promotion of beer and other liquors in television and hoardings on street. Apart from television and hoardings there is music videos which causes equal impact now-a-days. More than 70% videos include sexually explicit items and more than 80% of videos contain violence. This affects mostly the male population to grow aggressive. Video games are equally responsible to cause mental and physical hazards in young generation, most youths prefer to sit back at home and play video games instead of going for out-door games. This results in physical imbalance and
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Formal report writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Formal report writing - Essay Example within the firm to identify the core activities which are to be carried out by the senior staff, while the secondary functions are assigned another organization that may provide such functions to the company at affordable. Interstate, Inc is a New York based company, which specializes in providing domestic insurance for private individuals and corporations. It is considering moving all or part of its 150 person call centre to an oversee location in order to reduce its operating cost. The call centre currently handles calls of operating agents and enquiries from members of the public from USA. Management groups are researching about different countries in order to evaluate their potential to host a pilot project which should be operational within six months. If successful the centre will take over the full accountability for all call centre operations within 12 months. The management team will be meeting later to present their recommendations. Outsourcing is a management practice of taking a function of an organization to be managed by another organization on behalf of the company. InterState Inc, may hand over the secondary functions that can be handled by other specialized organizations on its behalf so that the core staff of InterState may concentrate on the most important functions (Lacity & Joseph, 12). The outsourced services are offered within the country or state and employees of the company whose services are outsourced performs the function and are paid for the services rendered. Through outsourcing InterState might be able to avoid many costs like payment of retirement benefits to employees, payments to employees who are on leave, or when the employees are less productive. Outsourcing has therefore become cheaper in the end because the company avoids certain costs (Haugen, Susan & Kacy, 24). Off shoring on the other hand is a business management practice in which a company like InterState may take moves its activities to another location in another
Monday, October 7, 2019
Personal and Organisational Development Report Essay
Personal and Organisational Development Report - Essay Example This way, understanding the link between my own attributes and required characteristics for employment will help me in being clear about my goals, responsibilities and challenges that can be possibly attached with the profession itself. Task One I am aware of how competitive the business environment is that obtaining a financial analyst position in successful firms will be incredibly challenging especially for those with fewer experiences or less idea on this profession’s tasks and responsibilities. As a means of preparing for employment, the use of a SMART career plan has allowed me to outline all my goals that I intend to successfully achieve over a period of time as I develop goals which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time framed. My very first concern is my resume and cover letter as employers first look through these regardless of how capable, knowledgeable, or experienced a candidate is; what matters first is to present an impressive resume that pro vides an overview of educational attainment and relevant job experience in an honest, concise, and professional manner. Since I only have limited work history and do not have actual employment experience even in a short duration, I intend to use the unconventional format for presenting my abilities and other attributes in a better structure. Moreover, asking feedback from other people may also allow for further improvements. Next goal is to attend at least four events every month to establish connections with other people who have more experience and knowledge. This can be achieved by attending programs and other training opportunities that can allow me to both meet individuals who intend to learn the best practices and skills for financial analysis and other finance-related tasks. Aside from making valuable connections, it is most likely that the necessary knowledge and skills are developed. For instance, I have learned about the Financial Analysis Specialist (FAS) Program that is an online designation program implemented for financial analysis professionals to improve their training and verify their knowledge for them to land a job within the industry. It has presented a number of objectives for trainees such as being able to understand and use financial analysis tools and practices, the basic principles of accounting, and online resources for a more efficient financial analysis, to name a few- addressing my needs to considerably improve on my own set of skills. Programs like these will also help my potential employers in knowing that I possess specialized knowledge with regards to this particular area, possibly much more than others who are competing to have this job. This will also suggest that I am serious about my professional goals and that I immediately take relevant action for my career development. Participating in exams such as the Series 7 or 63 may also equip me with terms and practices for accounting and other finance-related while reviewing for and taking the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exam will considerably improve my technical knowledge. Additionally, several tests and modules gave me a clearer view on aligning my
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Masters of Science in Information Management at Syracuse University Essay
Masters of Science in Information Management at Syracuse University - Essay Example Some of the most interesting and useful courses that make part of the program are ’Web-Design and Management’ and ‘Application Programming for Information System’. Designing web and making java programs are some of the key skills contemporary organizations expect to find in the graduates of Information Management. ‘Intro/Info Based Organization’ is a very good course whose knowledge guides the professionals in maximizing benefits for the company through informed decision making. The courses ‘Info Reporting and Presentation’ and ‘Global Financial System Architecture’ helped improve my social skills as I had to frequently work in collaboration with my teammates and develop business plans. These courses and the exercises they comprise have interesting ways of inculcating the required skills in the students. Reflecting upon my past experience with this field of study, I am positive that studying it at Masters level would p ave the way for new opportunities for me both in academia and industry. After almost four years of study in the Syracuse University, I have become quite aware of this university and this city. The school faculty is very helpful and is always available to guide the students through matters related to studies, career, or life in general. Syracuse University organizes many educational and recreational events every semester. Syracuse University maintains a high profile in sports as well; as a royal basketball fan, I believe that Syracuse University is second to none in offering the students' growth opportunities in sports along with studies. Since Syracuse University can offer me both good quality study and rich leisure life, it is really a place where I can draw a balance between studies and life. My parents can finance my studies. They can pay for the tuition either by international wire transfer or by credit card.
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